VP , WROTE :We have been separated for over 32 years, what do you expect we have never been made to feel part of the "RoC" and we do not feel it belongs to us. We are the TRNC even with all its faults and until we are faced with situation that is better than what we have today no TCs will see us as one nation. This is a reality you have to some to terms with. The we are all Cypriots ideology today is like 46 years to late and in order for it to gain ground actions to create such a situation are necessary, just saying it doesn't make it true. """
you do talk a load of bullocks vp. You have your head buried in an Anatolian brothel , wake up man Cyprus is one for all , what is this bullshit about two islands two nations , there is plenty of room in Anatolia for you and all those who want to turn our island into a hore for some f.. ng foreign power . Wake up , Cyprus is CYPRUS NOT "CYPRUS "