I just thought I would add my comment. I have been in Cyprus for 15 years seen so many come and go. My children are in the International school of Pafos, and the prices rise yearly, soon to be about the same prices you pay in the u.k. I wish that I had persevered with local Greek schools, when I arrived I put my two children in one, aged 5 and 7 then, they hated it and cried all the time. A friend of mine did the same. I, After a few months of stress for both my children and me, deceided to move them to a private school, it has cost me a fortune, sometimes feel I just work to pay fees. My friend however stuck it out and now, 15 years later her children have jobs here and are very settled. My kids too are happy, but I have had to pay extra money for them to learn fluent Greek. So if you put your kids in a local school, you must be patient and not expect too much too soon. Children are very adaptable and they will be fine in time. You may have to find some one to help them with their homework, Greek Schools give hours of homework a day.
One thing though, I dont think you have enough money to start out with. The cost of living is very high. Supermarkets, petrol, heating (a must in winter). Wish you lots of luck.