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Christmas in November.??

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Christmas in November.??

Postby Kikapu » Wed Nov 08, 2006 10:36 pm

How about that. I get to celebrate Christmas a little early this year. In fact, it all started since last night when the American Midterm Election results started to come in, and the results meant that the "Balance of Power" has shifted from the Republicans ( Bush's Party ) to the Democrats. The " House" has been taken over and the "Senate" has 1 race still too close to call, but it is leaning towards the Democrats, which would give 49 seats for the Dem. and 49 to Rep. with 2 Independents, who will vote with the Dem. which will make it 51 to 49 seats in favour of the Dem.

This all means, that "King George" cannot rule as a "Dictator" anymore, and will need to work with the Dem. We can expect to see better foreign policy towards Iraq, Iran, N. Korea, Palestinians, and other hot topics around the world. The rule by "Iron Fist" is over.

As for Tony Blair, he might as well retire tomorrow, because Bush will not be needing him anymore, nor would the Democrats would want to deal with him either. This also goes to Howard in Australia. His "15 minutes of fame on the world stage" has also come to a halt.

As for Cyprus, I do not believe it will change anything, but if there is a lesson to be learnt by the Cypriots in a "unified country", for the future, it would be, not to have a government ruled by one party, by having "Absolute Power", since "Absolute Power" tends to become "corrupt" as it was exercised by the Republicans. Cypriot will need to include everyone to have a say in running their country. Half of the American population was "ignored" by the other half for the last 6 years, which resulted the downfall of the Republicans last night. People do not like being "pushed around" by Authority, and others do not want to see their countrymen being treated that way. Last night, with the help of Democrats, Independents and some Republicans, who did not like what their Party was doing to the country, gave Bush's Neocons a "black eye". Americans has once again restored my faith in our Democratic System.

It is time for the ROC to reach across the Green Line and invite the TC's in running their country together, and for the TC's to accept such an offer. We need to form a Democratic System, which can be Trusted and Respected. Even when some people abuse their Power, the Democratic System is strong and fair enough to overcome such abuses. We need a System that all Cypriots can Trust and Respect.

Oh boy oh boy, Christmas in November is so great. :D

Santa Claus has just sailed past me under the Golden Gate Bridge. I think he's heading to Hawaii. :D
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:38 pm

LOL Kikapu. I was thinking most of same things :D
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Postby Sotos » Thu Nov 09, 2006 1:40 am

It is time for the ROC to reach across the Green Line and invite the TC's in running their country together, and for the TC's to accept such an offer. We need to form a Democratic System, which can be Trusted and Respected. Even when some people abuse their Power, the Democratic System is strong and fair enough to overcome such abuses. We need a System that all Cypriots can Trust and Respect.

Well said Kikapu! About the elections I am glad Democrats won. Bush is an asshole. I don't think the Democrats will be much better but for sure with Bush the Americans reached the bottom! I just wonder why it took them so long to realize!! :?
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Postby Bill » Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:08 am

It is time for the ROC to reach across the Green Line and invite the TC's in running their country together, and for the TC's to accept such an offer. We need to form a Democratic System, which can be Trusted and Respected. Even when some people abuse their Power, the Democratic System is strong and fair enough to overcome such abuses. We need a System that all Cypriots can Trust and Respect.

I think that was one of the most refreshing posts I've read on this forum for a long time .

Although I rarely get involved in posts of a political nature -- I'm of the opinion ( as many others are too) that neither side was and in some instances still is -- innocent concerning previous problems --- in the 60's & 70's / the invasion / division and the various problems that have manifested before and since.

Personally I can't see anything really positive happening in the near future ( except the giving back of the dead part of Famagusta ) as there are to many variables for anything to be satisfactory to those who have a vested interest in keeping the division going -- there will always be those that will say no no matter how good the solution is.

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Postby Kikapu » Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:58 am

Sotos wrote:
It is time for the ROC to reach across the Green Line and invite the TC's in running their country together, and for the TC's to accept such an offer. We need to form a Democratic System, which can be Trusted and Respected. Even when some people abuse their Power, the Democratic System is strong and fair enough to overcome such abuses. We need a System that all Cypriots can Trust and Respect.

Well said Kikapu! About the elections I am glad Democrats won. Bush is an asshole. I don't think the Democrats will be much better but for sure with Bush the Americans reached the bottom! I just wonder why it took them so long to realize!! :?

Americans at times, choose to become "sheep", specially in times of "war", so they followed "Bush the Shepard" into the "valley of stupidity" and were kept in line by Bush's "Shepard Dogs" . But, sooner or later, Americans do wake up and "smell the coffee" as to what has their Government has done to them. To some of us, we have never drank the "coolaid of stupidity", so were able to wake up the rest of the "sheep", to take our Government back from "Dictators".

If the Democrats abuse their power also, the same will happen to them......kick them out.!!!
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:36 am

Kikapu wrote:
Sotos wrote:
It is time for the ROC to reach across the Green Line and invite the TC's in running their country together, and for the TC's to accept such an offer. We need to form a Democratic System, which can be Trusted and Respected. Even when some people abuse their Power, the Democratic System is strong and fair enough to overcome such abuses. We need a System that all Cypriots can Trust and Respect.

Well said Kikapu! About the elections I am glad Democrats won. Bush is an asshole. I don't think the Democrats will be much better but for sure with Bush the Americans reached the bottom! I just wonder why it took them so long to realize!! :?

Americans at times, choose to become "sheep", specially in times of "war", so they followed "Bush the Shepard" into the "valley of stupidity" and were kept in line by Bush's "Shepard Dogs" . But, sooner or later, Americans do wake up and "smell the coffee" as to what has their Government has done to them. To some of us, we have never drank the "coolaid of stupidity", so were able to wake up the rest of the "sheep", to take our Government back from "Dictators".

If the Democrats abuse their power also, the same will happen to them......kick them out.!!!

Giulliani has taken the first step for a 2008 presidential bid. I would vote for him were he to actually run. He is not only liked, he is also well qualified.
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Postby humanist » Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:53 am

Andri, unfortunately our little towat of a so called prime minister is not ready to acept defeat. He is on a planet of his own the little puppet still thinks that bush is in real power.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:05 am

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Postby cypezokyli » Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:33 am

i am really sorry to blow your bubble but the democrats have no strategy concerning iraq.
iraq was the reason that americans voted against bush, and the sad thing was that their only choise was no-policy.

at least noone can be more stupid than geroge w. ... or at least i hope so
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Nov 15, 2006 5:56 am

cypezokyli wrote:i am really sorry to blow your bubble but the democrats have no strategy concerning iraq.
iraq was the reason that americans voted against bush, and the sad thing was that their only choise was no-policy.

at least noone can be more stupid than geroge w. ... or at least i hope so

It is very difficult to have a clear policy in Iraq now, after 3 years of lies, miss information, corruption, and no clear mission as to why we were there in the first place, other than oil and control of the region with military bases, which no one is willing to admit. Bush's NeoCons deserved to lose the elections based on totally getting America into a war that did not need to happen and on top, miss managing it. We are close to Half a Trillion US Dollars in the hole ( $500,000,000,000), with 3,000 dead US soldiers and another 30,000 left with one or no legs, arms, eyes, ears, and in some cases, left with half a brain. Democrats just need to accelerate to bring the war to an end, as far as America is concerned, and let the Iraqis elect another Saddam type to lead them, if they do not wish to live in a Democratic System.

Lets not expect a "Magic Bullet" from the Democrats, because of the Bloody mess caused by Bush / Blair team. They should ALL end up in the Hague for their crimes against Humanity.
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