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Dog Breeders

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Postby Snad » Tue Nov 14, 2006 12:29 pm

All these dogs are gorgeous. They all look happy and have loving owners, some dogs in Cyprus are not so lucky.

To Eliko
Thank God that Brits are not like SOME Cypriots! My neighbour has her dogs outside and they continually bark all night. Have these people go no respect for their neighbours? I would never allow my dogs to bark at night and keep people up.

These are my babiesImage


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Postby Eliko » Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:40 pm

Funny thing that, when I was in the U.K. my dog couldn't get a wink of sleep at night due to the noise of drunken Brits shouting and swearing at each other all night, perhaps they are unhappy with the local environment, have you considered moving out ?, (my doggie never barks 'eh !)
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:02 pm

I cant believe the tripe i am reading, typical mentality here.. No!!! not dogs for different reasons and how do you know your dogs are happy???chained up outside.. you make me sick. caged and alone.. thrown crap to eat, most of you here dont know what a dog needs only what you need.. or think your animal needs. A dog needs affection its a social animal, it needs love and care as you would a child. the difference is it cant speak.. A dog needs a good diet nutritious, it needs interaction with its owner, it needs to be able to play and be stimulated daily, it needs to be walked, exercised on a daily basis. it needs kindness and attention. and if you think thats crazy then i am sorry your unintelligent emotionally and only justify yourself because you are doing what you know and not understanding what science has known for years.. A dog is sentient, which means it thinks and feels similar to how would you feel if your diet was not good for you and you were unloved and not cared about.. caged and had nothing to make your day better.. you need to think for yourselves and stop doing what ignorance has taught you.. read on the internet about what your animals need and grow up..
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Postby deedeepuss » Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:27 am

Love the pictures of all the dogs. The Springer with the red collar is just like my Ellie, the one we lost.
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Postby andri_cy » Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:55 am

I am getting rid to start giving my baby's pups for adoption to good homes. Too bad we are not closer :)
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Postby Eliko » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:49 am

unique_earthling, you amply describe the necessities of a dog and condemn all of those among us who prefer to keep our dogs 'outside' as emotionally un-intelligent, you profess to know exactly how a dog should be treated and cared for and rebuke all who do not conform to your opinion.
You do, however, raise a very interesting topic for an after-dinner conversation, (unwittingly I'm sure) when you assert that a dog is a sentient being and you compare it with a child, "It can't speak" is another of your assertions.
If I may be permitted to profer my 'ignorant' observations, there are one or two points I would like to raise which I trust you will consider subsequent to the abatement of your initial fury.
Dogs, as with all other creatures, must have some form of communication, a necessity for the survival of the species, certainly one could assume that,in a sense, they 'talk' to each other, the fact that they seem to react to the instructions of we humans is an indication of an intelligence or instinct, which euips them with the means for
Throughout history, dogs have been a servant to mankind, their historical use has been connected to it's natural ability to hunt, defend and attack, the fact that,through inter-breeding, the species has been reduced to the state it is now in is not the fault of the dog, which nicely negates your comment regarding 'What we want, not what the dog wants'
Dogs are 'outdoor' animals, in order to be of use they must be allowed to follow their natural instincts regardless
of the tiresome ribbons and bows fawning owners adorn them with, they are perfectly able to exercise themselves
without leads and silly throwing sticks, a cat or a rabbit being far preferable to them, only problem is of course, we
humans do not approve of such behaviour, we know best don't we?.
As to my own dog, don't go near him, he will tear you to pieces, I have to keep him chained for obvious reasons but once unleashed he is subject to my command instantly, he is a hunter, ferocious and efficient as a dog should be, he would consider your dogs an alien species and would probably devour them, he is fed on the food that we do not eat, he barks at intruders and will bite strangers, he's a real dog and everyone loves him for being so.
Your dogs, as is common with most domesticated animals, have all the attributes of 'Slaves' even to the comment you made about 'They can't talk', precisely what was said about the negroes who communicated in their own language, perhaps that is why some people are so fond of keeping captive animals, they can't have a slave !.
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:26 am

More drivel, all justifications for keeping an animal tied up, so your telling me your animal is a happy dog, i dont think so or it wouldnt want to rip everything to pieces. infact to be honest at least your reply made me laugh at the stupidity of it. A chained dog is an aggressive dog because it is unable to defend itself. And please dont insult my intelligence, with stupid diatribe on bows and the like as i have 250 dogs from hunters to pekinese and none of them want or have the need to rip out my throat because they have been treated with kindness by me and my staff even though they cowered when they first were brought in, because of the kicks and aggressiveness of their owners. You obviously have not read anything on the internet about how to treat animals, and unfortunately are too arrogant to even bother to look and learn. Your not correct in your assumptions of whats natural for a dog, and yes i guess with you survival is its primary target, but an animal learns more from affection and reward than punishment, all it learns is to fear you and others like you.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:48 am

O.K. unique_earthling, I take it you are not prepared to consider'in depth' any of my comments which I did ask you to do ( subsequent to the abatement of your initial fury).
You have immediately risen to the defence of your charges and that is creditable of course, what interests me is the fact that you are prepared to assume that a chained dog is being badly treated. Surely you must realise that the natural inclination of a well balanced 'natural' dog, is to wander abroad freely, hunting and pursuing activities that a 'natural' dog would do.
If I allowed my dog to adopt such a life style I am sure he would be happier, unfortunately he would not be very well received by those land-owner's whose livestock may be in danger, he might even be shot at and have the grave misfortune of being incarcerated among all your whining whimpering muts. At least he would not go hungry for I am sure he would soon gobble up the majority of them, perhaps I should loan him to you for a short spell, it would certainly decrease your responsibilities.
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Postby unique_earthling » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:33 pm

Well any credibility you had has just flown out of the window, you sound extremely immature and foolish, so lets just agree to disagree, as i do not find this conversation edifying nor going anywhere. I just feel sorry for your dog. enough said..
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Postby pantheman » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:49 am

Steve 1947 wrote:Hi Dee,
I spoke with Sharon at Nicosia Rescue Home - she says they do have Springers in quite often - her number in Cyprus is 99868512.
You will find more information on the Nicosia Dog Shelter website - link below.

Hi dog lovers,

Does the nicosia rescue centre have springer pups or they they adults.

I would like a springer, but would prefer a pup to raise. Failing Springers i may settle for a cocker. I like this breed of dog, some of my friends have them and i have now come to a time in my life where the circumstances allow me now to have a dog (or 2). I had dogs as a child and they were great .

The photos of those springers from snad i think are really cute! Don't suppose there could be a litter there somewhere ??

Well, any info would be appreciated.

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