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Dog Breeders

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Postby deedeepuss » Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:02 pm

OMG, I have just checked out the Nicosia dog rescue centre. That woman must have been off her trolley :roll: fancy telling us we would have trouble getting a dog. Now we have had Springers we know their breed, absolutely bonkers! So would prefer a breed we know, but I could fall in love with all those little wuffers.

We had two Springers from a local rescue centre, mom and daughter, absolutely beautiful, not that I am biased in any way. We had home checks before we could have them, which I think is really important. We went last week to take some blankets and overheard someone complaining because you have to fill out a questionnaire and have a home check, people like that in my opinion aren't really serious about having a dog. The youngest Ellie who was my little girl, had to be put to sleep in June, we were heart broken. I took her training and she passed her bronze and silver good citizenship awards. As you can probably tell I don't have children, just love my animals. We will be living in Sotira, and would love to come to the rescue home when we are over next, and adopt a dog when we move over in 2008.

I will try a post a picture, once I have worked out how to do it! Me and technology don't really mix, it all goes a bit pear shaped when I start playing! :shock:

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Postby Bananiot » Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:34 pm

You shouldn't generalise so easily. There are Cypriots who are more "english" when it comes to animals. Agree they are not many but generalising is not the way to go about complaining about Cypriot attitudes to animals.
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Postby deedeepuss » Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:42 pm

It is bad over here too, the rescue centre we go to is always full. Last week there were 3 little staffy pups and 4 little greyhound pups, and so many older dogs that really don't stand a chance of getting new homes. It is such a dreadful shame.
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Postby deedeepuss » Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:18 pm


I confess I did get some help with getting the picture on!
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Postby deedeepuss » Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:22 pm


This is Lucy the Mom.
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Postby deedeepuss » Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:24 pm


This is Ellie, the daughter.
I will stop putting pictures on now, promise! :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Sun Nov 12, 2006 5:32 pm

There is so much controversy about the way Cypriots treat their dogs almost exclusively from the British. Have any of you ever stopped for a moment to consider the fact that you are now in a foreign country and that the general perception of 'dogs' and their position differs from your own ?.
Cypriots generally use their dogs as either hunters or guardians, they do not like to have them slobbering around
their children, sleeping in their beds and eating from the same platters as do they.
Your constant condemnations of how people in their own country should behave are testament to precisely the reason why you are found to be so 'superior minded', look to your own land and see how your own culture has descended into a quagmire of filth and leave the people of this nation to conduct their affairs in their own way.My own dog is quite used to being left outside, he is well fed and quite an asset in that he protects my home from any intruders, I don't think he would be happy lying in front of the fire being fed chocolate doggy nips licking his backside and transferring the saliva to my children's faces, perhaps you may enjoy that prospect, Cypriots don't.
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Rescue centre nr Dhekelia bases

Postby bungle » Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:11 pm

There is a wonderful group of people who care for unwanted/rescue dogs etc nr the Dhekelia Bases. They also have kennels for those who want to use these facilities. They despearately need people to walk the dogs as well and you can turn up in the morning from 11 and walk as few/many dogs as you wish. My father got his dog from there and he has the most wonderful nature! Highly recommended!
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Postby deedeepuss » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:42 pm

Hi Eliko

A lot of people have dogs for hunting etc over here too, and they live outside and have similar principles to the ones you have spoken about. It doesn't matter what country you live in and whether you have a dog for working purposes or as a family pet, people should be responsible enough to look after them if they have them and have them neutered if they need to so that there aren't all these dogs left in homes. I don't think it is the Cypriots who have this view of animals I think it is every country! Different people want dogs for different reasons, as long as the dog is looked after I don't see it a problem, what I do see as a problem is when the animal is neglected!
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Postby Marz » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:13 am


these are my two dogs, they are great dogs in temperament and with people and other dogs. Although some people are scared when they se them, they always judge before they actually see how friendly they are.

They are are tpye of Breed here in Aus called a Bullarab, they are a line of dogs started 30 years ago, specifically for Boar hunting, but they make good pets also, and hopefully in the future they will become a registered pure breed.
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