turboturk wrote:"[u]Cyprus is one, indivisible & belongs to its Cypriot people!"[u]Kifeas, isnt it funny you have the above quote as your signature.
Did you have the same thoughts when the TC's were kicked out, murdered and had to live in pockets of villages all over the island from 1963 to 1974 and being treated as second class people?
Or were you not born yet.?
Double standards, "we only moan when we are the victims"!
that is so normal for the south to do.
Move on

Turbo, what you have said above contains many fallacies.
The TCs were not kicked out (I assume you mean from the RoC.) The TC leadership first (and officially) withdrew from the RoC institutions (parliament and cabinet) and formed and declared from Bayrak radio its separate "transitional" TC State (within state,) as soon as intercommunal violence started in late December 1963. I suggest you first learn the facts!
As soon as intercommunal violence begun, which according to several reliable and nutral sources it (TMT) provoked, it acted upon a plan -which was later found in vice president Kutchuk's office, and called upon the TC MPs and TC ministers in the RoC cabinet to stop participating, since (according to them) the 1960 RoC was dead and no longer legally in existence, and that they together with the members of they TC communal council are now members of the TC "transitional" state's parliament and cabinet. Until that time, the only political initiative on the part of the GC leadership was to present for consideration and discussion the 13 point constitutional amendment proposal, both to Turkey and the TC leadership. Up until this date, and since 1964, the 1960 RoC constitution remains unchanged, and the positions of the TC Vice president and the TC MPs are officially maintained in place and vacant, pending a political agreement with the TC leadership.
It is a fact that as soon as intercommunal violence started in Nicosia - which I insist again the TMT provoked so that it would invite the violent reaction of the GC paramilitary teams and provide the excuse for the proclamation of the death of the RoC and the excuse for Turkey to invade militarily for the aim of partitioning Cyprus, the GCs had fallen into this "trap" and counter-attacked the TCs causing many deaths of TC Civilians, since the TMT was using them as a "shield" (fighting from within houses) in the Town suburbs. It is a fact that some GC extreme paramilitary teams (acting outside the official mandate) seized the opportunity and committed atrocities, but this unfortunate deplorable fact was not one sided. There were atrocities by similar TC extremists as well. The fact that because the GCs were by default more numerous and thus inflicted more damage and deaths against TCs, than the other way around, doesn't mean that the TCs were the innocent party, and the GCs were the only guilty one, as you would like to make it sound.
It is also a fact that in some areas in which violence was marked, TC civilians moved away and into safer areas, among bigger concentrations of TCs, thus creating the first so called enclave elements. However, expanding the enclaves into more areas and with larger TC concentrations became a standard policy of the TMT and the TC leadership, even after intercommunal violence had ended in early 1964, and it took a pre-planned massive exodus, even in areas in which there was no conflict and no attacks or deaths were marked. The aim was obviously to create a much more controlled environment for the TC masses and earn (generate) the necessary man-power to create a TC army, for what was planned to be a Turkish invasion and partition, a war in which the TC community would act as the internal bridgehead for the facilitation of the Turkish invading forces.
This policy on the part of the TMT and the TC leadership had continued even after 1968, when the GC side had removed all barriers around the enclaves so that the TC could move out and return back to their previous activities outside the enclaves, and simultaneously the two leaderships had begun a formal dialogue and negotiations for a reformed partnership agreement, so that the TC community dismantles it separate administration (state within state) and returns back into the RoC institutions. Perhaps you are not aware of it, (how could you, since no one from your side ever talks about it?) but even though many TCs had chosen to move out of the enclaves and started working or moving freely around Cyprus from 1968-1974, not a single one of them was killed, harmed or even touched by a GC. Not even during the coup in 1974, a single TC was harmed (in fact Denktash called the coup an internal issue among the GCs,) and any deaths of TCs occurred only after the Turkish invasion begun.