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Get ready for snow!!

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Get ready for snow!!

Postby Sotos » Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:55 pm

Rain record, now get ready for snow!

WITH the October rainfall nearly breaking all records, Cyprus now looks set for one of the earliest snowfalls, if the weather forecast is correct.

Temperatures, which have remained steadily well above 20 degrees centigrade while “all hell broke loose,” will start taking a plunge tomorrow with the possibility of snow on the highest peaks on Sunday and Monday.

Local showers and isolated storms are forecast for lower areas.

As early as yesterday, the police began to put out warnings to motorists about road conditions in Troodos, due to mist and drizzle.

Today temperatures will still be around 22 inland and 24 on the coasts. It will become increasingly cloudy with local showers and isolated storms. Winds will gather strength in the afternoon.

Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Photis Photiou could not hide his satisfaction at the generous gift from heaven in October.

Noting that it was the second wettest since 1901 resulting in 2.5 mcm (million cubic metres) of water flowing into the dams already, he added that it meant saving another 4.5 mcm of water that would have been used in irrigation in the next 15 days.

Press on

The Minister stressed, however, that much more rain was still needed, considering that the quantities of water currently in the reservoirs stood at merely 25% of total capacity.

“Government policy to end reliance on the weather conditions does not stop or change; we’ll press on until we can fully satisfy our water supply and irrigation needs,” he said.

October rainfall reached 109 mm, a huge increase by 333% over 32.7mm average for the month.

Most of the rain fell on the Troodos mountains, with Prodromos topping the table (188.6mm), followed by Saittas on the southern slope (179.3mm), Stavros tis Psokas (172.3mm), and Platania (162.6). This is good because it will accelerate the flow of water to the dams.


Nicosia had 62.8mm of rain in October, Limassol 77.8mm, Larnaca 46.3mm, and Paphos 91.5mm. Rain in the Kokkinokhoria area in Famagusta district averaged about 30mm, less than in October 2005.

The general happiness for such a good start to the meteorological year, which starts counting from every October, has been marred by the tragic loss of a married couple swept away by a violent torrent.

In addition, strong rain and winds have caused widespread damage to greenhouses on the southern coast near Larnaca.

This November is much colder than last one for sure! I don't like rain and snow much but when I imagine how green and nice Cyprus will be in March I feel better. This spring will be one the greenest Cyprus springs :D
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Postby Dadalushe » Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:40 pm

Oh dear! We are going to be staying in Potamiou for two weeks from 19th November. We were in Limassol last November, and although it rained quite heavily, it was fairly warm. This year however, we have bought our house in the village and will be staying there. If it snows will we need chains for our car? If so, do we have to let the car hire company know in advance?
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Postby Snad » Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:31 pm

Think it is only Troodos where it snows, so you should be quite safe I think.
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Postby Dadalushe » Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:43 pm

Potamiou is Troodos foothills. They did have a smattering of snow in January this year (just after we left :-))
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:11 pm

It doesn't only snow in Troodos! It has on a occasion snowed in Kivides which is only 15 miles or so from Episkopi. Dada I would suggest having chains. Better safe than sorry.
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Postby Sotos » Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:04 pm

Lower than Platres it can snow but rarely enough to cover the streets with snow. Just a bit. I don't think you will need chains for that.
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Postby Dadalushe » Tue Nov 07, 2006 3:49 pm

Thanks for the replies folks. Will probably not bother about the chains until we see what the weather situation is. We can always go back to the hire company if necessary. Potamiou is a very friendly village and if we need help, I'm sure the locals will be there for us.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:47 pm

I had to drive over the Troodos today – it was 3ºC at the top and a light sprinkling of snow in shaded areas. :(
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Postby Dadalushe » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:17 am

Is that a bit early, or is this the normal time for snow at the top?
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