Your demands are unethical and unjust and only compensation can be the remedy for now.
If for you human rights, legality and democracy are things "unethical" and "unjust" while what is "ethical" are the illegalities that you support, then this tells something about your ethics.
If you cannot see that there can be no alternative because of circumstances then you can shout until you are blue in the face and it will not make a blind bit of difference.
I am not shouting, I just state the facts. I am not trying to make a difference by convincing people like you since this is something impossible. This is why I said that discussing anything with people like you is a waste of time.
What will make a difference are the policies that we should follow. A kick of Turkey out of her EU accession process is one such policy. The only ones who will turn blue will be the Turks, not me.
Similar policies should be followed against Turkey and the illegal regime in the occupied Cyprus until the time that we will be able to liberate our land from the illegal occupation.
Since they decided to be our enemies by occupying part of our country then they should be treated as such. You can not treat in a friendly way and help somebody that does not even respect your basic human rights and is trying to destroy your country.
Of course not all Turkish Cypriots are like you. This is why in another thread I suggested that RoC should take measures to distinguish the TCs who are loyal to Republic of Cyprus and are victims of the Turkish invasion, and do everything it can to help them.
The other TCs, who have sided with a foreign country and are working for the destruction of RoC should be treated in a very strict way by RoC.
As you can see I don't care what you will do or say because I know what you want to do: Try to Turkify the north part of my country, and there is no way you will change your mind.
What I am talking about is what RoC should do. Do you have any problem with that?