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New Route-Map for Cyprus Problem

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New Route-Map for Cyprus Problem

Postby Turker » Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:06 am

As known, there is a condition for Turkey of recognizing RoC to start the negotiations. So Turkey will demand a new route map for the solution of Cyprus problem.

And then? Will everything be just the same as happened in the past? That is, will the plan be good for Turks and bad for Greeks again, and will Greeks reject the plan as they did last year?

What will be waiting for us on the 3rd of October?
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:55 am

I believe, a new initiative may materialise soon, even in January, and of course it will be based on the A plan. Probably the new initiative will take into account the concerns expressed by AKEL. I remind you that this party said in April that the plan is basically a good plan that reunites Cyprus and gets rid of the vast majority of foreign armies with time. The presence of Annan in Brussels today may be indicative of the begining of a new momentum.
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Postby brother » Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:47 pm

So the big question is will the cypriots win or the outside powers.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:26 pm

I remind you that this party said in April that the plan is basically a good plan that reunites Cyprus and gets rid of the vast majority of foreign armies with time.

The party itself never said such thing. Just some party members, thats all.

The Annan plan will never again come in a referendum. Not until major changes are done to it.
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Postby brother » Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:31 pm

Changes will happen and annan plan will be revived but as previously at the moment all this is assumption, lets wait and see what happens.
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Postby erolz » Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:37 pm

Piratis wrote:The Annan plan will never again come in a referendum. Not until major changes are done to it.

My personal guess / assment is that there will be a new plan and new referenda. There will be major changes this time but not so much in the plan itself but in the defining of what will happen if either side says no. The plan itself will not be fundamental different from the annan plan in principal. What will be different is external pressure to get the right result (right for the EU that is).
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Postby brother » Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:41 pm

Watch out with that statement piratis is on the war path. :D
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Re: New Route-Map for Cyprus Problem

Postby turkcyp » Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:22 pm

Turker wrote:As known, there is a condition for Turkey of recognizing RoC to start the negotiations. So Turkey will demand a new route map for the solution of Cyprus problem.

I do not know if this is true, (or at least to what I have read)

There is nothing on the declaration that Turkey should recognize RoC. The only thing that the document says that Turkey should extend its customs union to new 10 members.

So from this Turkey will be in customs union with RoC, and from what I have read in teh Turksih media is that they were aware of this fact for a long time right now, and make all the preperations for it.

So what will happen is that, Turkey will accept RoC originated goods, in Turkey, will give access to RoC ships to its harbours, etc. etc.

But there is nothing more. What you call recognition is international politics is a very grey term. I mean for example, USA does not recognize TRNC, but I have been using my TRNC passport to get in teh USA for the last 10 years. The same is true for mnay other countries.

Or for example, Taiwan is not a recognized country in the world. Even USA does not recognize it, but Taiwan is full integrated in teh whole world tarde, and diplomacy.

Or if and when EU start accepting TRNC goods next year, this does not mean that EU reocgnizes TRNC as a state (as GCs always fear). There are so many different shades of recognition.

De facto recognition is quite different than the official recognition. And even there are many different levels of official recognition. Many countries in the world officially recognize Israel for example, but do not have any ambasador there.

People should be more clear in what they mean by recognition. With this kind of recognition, that is asked by EU, nothing will change in Cyprus. From the international law point of view Turkey already recognizes RoC as it is formed in 1960. What Turkey does not recognize is the structure that is created in Cyprus after 1963.

So tomorrow Turkey may even come and say that I do recognize Cyprus as a state of 1960, and nothing would change on the ground. And in fact Turkey claims that the reason in there in Cyprus, there was an attempt by the GCs in 1974 to change the structure of Cyprus, that is why there are there to protect the righst of TCs. And they still claim that the structure in RoC rightnow is quite different than in 1960 so that is why tehy refuse to recognize RoC as the legitimate goverment in Cyprus.

Of course as always there are a lot of holes in this Turkish theory. But again there are a lot of holes in the GC version of the international law as well. What is international law anyway. Whoever is more powerfull gets its version as accepted international law and order anyway.

But after this we are more far away from Cyprus solution, I believe. Cyprus got what she wants. She now knows that she can use its EU card to get concessions from Turkey.

Turkey got what she want. Got a negotiation date for EU membership without a veto. And they know that they will use Cyprus card until they become a Eu member.

So this brings us to the other scenario that we have discussed in teh other topic. There will not be a solution to Cyprus for another 10-15 years, and it will only be solved simultaneously with Turkish accesion to EU.

All the TCs should start thinking who they can trust now. They learned that they could not trust GCs in 1963, and in year 2004 they learned that they can not trust Turkey as well. So as a small society they should start looking for new allies. May be we should offer the whole Karpas peninsula as a military base to USA.

If we had done that 15 years ago when USA was asking, there would not be Cyprus problem right now.

Everybody have a good day,
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Postby mehmet » Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:39 pm

I hope your remark about Karpas was a joke.
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Postby brother » Fri Dec 17, 2004 10:55 pm

It might be a joke but there is a strong arguement there for many people, is this something we should debate, what if tomorrow the TRNC was to give the USA a base in cyprus, they might make it their 51 state. :D
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