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EU should be ashamed

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Postby pitsilos » Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:57 am

oh i see now its the us that wanted to make double cross/headaches for the turks. i thought we had exclusivity on us conspiracies :lol: well another thingie you stolen from us :lol:

and tell me, judging by the grilling of turkey by just about everyone, even by the roc :lol:, what does the us have in store for turkey?
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Postby Piratis » Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:02 pm

Mehmet Ali Birand

Before the vote on the Annan plan, I personally believed the Turkish Cypriots were faced with a historic opportunity and did everything I could to ensure that the plan was a success. I believed that, with the plan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) would be able to stand on its own two feet. The KKTC would enter the European Union with Greek Cyprus and consequently, the Cyprus issue would no longer be an obstacle to Turkey's EU aspirations. I am still of the same opinion.

Birand is right on this part. The Anna plan was the partition that Turks were waiting for. It was the partition that was called "unification". They gave to us the name "unification" and they gave to the Turks their partition in practice.

The question is: Why the hell did they think we would accept their crappy plan?

Birand etc should understand that without a true unification and true solution (=democracy, human rights, no foreign troops), EU for Turkey yok.
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Postby bg_turk » Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:05 am

Even if Turkey decides to sell out the Cypriot Turks, there will be no EU for Turkey.
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Postby zan » Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:50 am

Turkey selling out the TCs is the RoCs worst nightmare. Who will they be able to blame. They will at last have to talk directly with the TCs and will have no answer for that one. This is the only thing that keeps TPAP in power. Just like Bush he needs an enemy to justify his position and just like Bush it will bite him on the ass. He knows he wants partition, he just cannot find a way to tell his people.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:08 am

There are amongst us , Cypriots who would react if a section of our people are discriminated against .
We are the Cypriots that have embraced the identity of the land we were born in , not brainwashed in believing the motherland shit that was pushed down our throats. If Cyprus is our nation let Cypriots be in charge.

If our nation concentrated on a common vision the future generations will have something to be proud of.
We have so much in common , we share so many wonderful values .
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Postby observer » Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:51 am

We are the Cypriots that have embraced the identity of the land we were born in , not brainwashed in believing the motherland shit that was pushed down our throats

I can't think of a single politician who states this view, and if any get close to it they are shouted down.

Since RoC and TRNC are both democracies, whose people vote for and get the political leaders they favour, it must be that the above, sadly, is a minority view.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:22 am

A minority view and yet the ROC proudly presents itself to the world as the Government of Cyprus , meaning the Government that governs Cypriots. The Cypriot ID as well as the Cypriot passport does not indicate the nationality as being anything but Cypriot. It is time that the politicians of Cyprus adopt a brave position and promote what they are after all universally recognised as Cypriot politicians. The church , the mosques have a lot to answer for. Schools that totaly reject the Cypriot identity by promoting foreign entities.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:59 am

Since RoC and TRNC are both democracies


"trnc" is an illegal pseudo puppet state created by ethnically cleansing the majority of the population from the now occupied part of Republic of Cyprus.

It has absolutely nothing to do with democracy, and everything to do with crime and illegality.
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Postby zan » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:13 am

Piratis wrote:
Since RoC and TRNC are both democracies


"trnc" is an illegal pseudo puppet state created by ethnically cleansing the majority of the population from the now occupied part of Republic of Cyprus.

It has absolutely nothing to do with democracy, and everything to do with crime and illegality.

The same goes for the RoC but the world seems to have recognised them so there is still hope for us.
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Postby observer » Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:21 am

"trnc" is an illegal pseudo puppet state created by ethnically cleansing the majority of the population from the now occupied part of Republic of Cyprus.

TRNC may (or may not) be all of the above, but its government (or community leadership if you prefer) is certainly elected democratically.

My point, however, concerned the political leaders on both sides of the line who flourish their Greekness or their Turkishness instead of their Cypriotness. As the leaders are elected by the people. it follows that the majority of the electorate in Cyprus share this view too. So, too many GCs and TCs, not enough Cs.

Miltiades' makes a good point when he says:

It is time that the politicians of Cyprus adopt a brave position and promote what they are after all universally recognised as Cypriot politicians. The church , the mosques have a lot to answer for. Schools that totaly reject the Cypriot identity by promoting foreign entities.
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