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Speed Cameras Damaged, Destroyed

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Speed Cameras Damaged, Destroyed

Postby Sotos » Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:57 am

Paint marred one speed camera and motorists crashed into two others over the weekend in the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus.

A trio of speed cameras in the Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus were damaged or destroyed over the weekend. In Larnaca, paint was poured over one camera obscuring its lens. Cars crashed into a pair of cameras in Nicosia, knocking them out of commission.

The Cyprus speed camera system has been plagued with difficulties. Most recently the contractor that installed the units put them on the wrong side of the road because it did not realize motorists in the country drive on the left-hand side of the road. The system will start with 32 fixed cameras and 8 mobile units expanding eventually to 450 throughout the island.

It was only a matter of time. I am amazed it took them so long to try to destroy the cameras :lol:
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Postby G.Man » Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:42 am

wow these boys are even faster than the uk must be a first...

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Postby unique_earthling » Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:01 am

Nothing beats a traffic cop, All those millions could have paid for an increase in traffic cops at the appropriate spots.. Its a bit cart before the horse, The laws on violations should have been inforced long before the cameras arrived.
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Postby Biker » Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:49 am

Where is that quoted from?
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Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:18 am

Speed cameras are a must for Cyprus where motorists committing driving offences are more likely to be acquainted with the traffic cop rather than the speed camera. Cyprus needs badly an unbiased traffic penalty system and the cameras will provide just that, The criminals who cause damage to the cameras should have the law come down on them .The driving in Cyprus is criminally dangerous mostly by young and ignorant of road safety regulations youngsters who when behind a wheel transform them selves into lunatics . Motor cyclists wearing their helmets on their arses instead of their heads are a menace on the roads , they have no right to endanger my life and yours , they are criminals and should dealt with accordingly.

What annoys me no end is those great exhausts on cars specifically designed for the unsophisticated young moron to make as much noise as possible and bring his stupidity to the attention of all around. These guys should be sent to Sierra Leone , there they will again be amongst equally noisy drivers .These fast accelerating noise polluters are utterly empty headed since they appear to be of a specific human specie that retains the thinking organs in the lower part of the body generally the home of the waste disposal system close to the reproductive area.
Those who break the law on a daily basis and get away without punishment should be rounded up and sent for driving lessons in Saudi Arabia where they would be amongst equally "skillful " drivers.

It will be interesting to hear from our Turkish compatriots if similar behaviour is observed in the North.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:34 am


Shame on you. How dare you spoil my nightly adrenaline rush!!!!

Hearing my 1300cc Mitsubushi Colt revving to the red line, accelerating from 0-60 in 4 minutes whillst I chat on the phone with my arm dangling out the window is just fantastic.

Now add a crescendo of thumping wailing music and a slim beautiful girlie!

Beat that! Not even her grabbing the wrong gearstick can top that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby The Microphone » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:05 am

Good on 'em. Blow up and destroy all speed cameras before you get the same plague of money raising snooping interfering monstosities proliferating on every corner that we have in the UK.

It's bad enough now with coppers hiding on virtually empty motorways waiting to nick the '75mph speeder' whilst they ignore the REAL issues of bikers without helmets and dicks racing up and down limassol seafront from friday evening to sunday evening.

Now the rainy season is here, the new sport of wheelspinning your fiat punto, fitted with lower skirts than your average bint, can be enjoyed to the full in safety knowing all the coppers are safely located on the highway.
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Postby Niki » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:33 am

Eliko wrote:Miltiades

Shame on you. How dare you spoil my nightly adrenaline rush!!!!

Hearing my 1300cc Mitsubushi Colt revving to the red line, accelerating from 0-60 in 4 minutes whillst I chat on the phone with my arm dangling out the window is just fantastic.

Now add a crescendo of thumping wailing music and a slim beautiful girlie!

Beat that! Not even her grabbing the wrong gearstick can top that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:41 am

The difference between the UK speed cameras and Cyprus is this.
The UK authorities have discovered a tax raising punitive measure that as well as contributing a small safety benefit it is raising revenue so that all the fat cats earning in excess of 200 thousand pounds per year can carry on enjoying their privileged life style. Also with so many bloody asylum con artists who know every trick in the book when it comes to scrounging of the state , someone has to pay. The ridiculous thing is that most of these bloody foreigners drive without Insurance , that is a fact , and dont give a shit about the country. If we were to be invaded , lets say by Turkey , joke !! VP , Russia more likely , I wonder how many Pakies , Bangladeshis , Bengalis , Kosovans !!!! (Albanians masquerading as Kosovans ) would remain in the country.

I think all British politicians are crap , I really thought that Cameron was a breath of fresh air for the Conservatives until he started cuddling the " hoodies " and kissing the yobbos , what a naive and utterly lucking of common sense this guy is , and as for Mayor of London Ken Livingstone , what a prat , what an absolute plonker and yet less than 30 % of Londoners voted him in , no doubt all the plonkers of London .

This guy in days past would have given Henry the 8th immense pleasure taking part in one of his favourite activities.
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Postby bones » Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:45 am

Speed cameras a pain in the arse, the problem is the idiots get to know where they are and slow down, once passed look out wheel spins, wheelies and anything else that goes. as for the plonkers driving around with no helmets on there own head be it - literally. Ah well just have to keep within the limits then and smile as the plonker in his skirted 1100cc shed flys past me, ofcourse arm out the window, on the phone, smoking a fag with his 3 year old son standing between the seats. :twisted:
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