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Speed Cameras Damaged, Destroyed

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Postby G.Man » Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:47 pm

There is a big difference in the driving standards in the UK and Cyprus, people look gobsmacked when i let them out in traffic queues without them having to barge out... lol

But a few mobile cameras and a few traffic light cameras is not whats needed...

Real police in real problem areas dishing out tickets for bad driving... Box Junctions are a mystery to most people on this island with the end result that some sets of traffic lights are utter chaos... Stick a police officer on a box junction for a few days giving out tickets and educating people and see what happens...

I saw a police motorcyclist the other day riding his motorcycle on the pavement with his crash helmet on his arm...

What chance has everyone else got?

Traffic light cameras I support, but only when they change the lights so they are traffic priority, not on a timer...

Sitting at a red light for 5 minutes at 3am with no other cars about is infuriating, waiting for it to go thru a pathetic sequence... No wonder people jump the lights..

But just like the UK, speeding isnt the issue in cyprus, the issue is concentration and consideration...

Concentrating on what you are doing, and consideration for other road users...

If everyone does that, then speed limits can be raised... Both here and in UK...

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Postby The Microphone » Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:11 am

miltiades wrote:The difference between the UK speed cameras and Cyprus is this.
The UK authorities have discovered a tax raising punitive measure that as well as contributing a small safety benefit it is raising revenue so that all the fat cats earning in excess of 200 thousand pounds per year can carry on enjoying their privileged life style. Also with so many bloody asylum con artists who know every trick in the book when it comes to scrounging of the state , someone has to pay. The ridiculous thing is that most of these bloody foreigners drive without Insurance , that is a fact , and dont give a shit about the country. If we were to be invaded , lets say by Turkey , joke !! VP , Russia more likely , I wonder how many Pakies , Bangladeshis , Bengalis , Kosovans !!!! (Albanians masquerading as Kosovans ) would remain in the country.

I think all British politicians are crap , I really thought that Cameron was a breath of fresh air for the Conservatives until he started cuddling the " hoodies " and kissing the yobbos , what a naive and utterly lucking of common sense this guy is , and as for Mayor of London Ken Livingstone , what a prat , what an absolute plonker and yet less than 30 % of Londoners voted him in , no doubt all the plonkers of London .

This guy in days past would have given Henry the 8th immense pleasure taking part in one of his favourite activities.

Couldnt have put it better myself. Well I could but I'll let you have the applause mate. Top Hole!
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Postby cosmic » Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:21 am

The Microphone wrote:
miltiades wrote:The difference between the UK speed cameras and Cyprus is this.
The UK authorities have discovered a tax raising punitive measure that as well as contributing a small safety benefit it is raising revenue so that all the fat cats earning in excess of 200 thousand pounds per year can carry on enjoying their privileged life style. Also with so many bloody asylum con artists who know every trick in the book when it comes to scrounging of the state , someone has to pay. The ridiculous thing is that most of these bloody foreigners drive without Insurance , that is a fact , and dont give a shit about the country. If we were to be invaded , lets say by Turkey , joke !! VP , Russia more likely , I wonder how many Pakies , Bangladeshis , Bengalis , Kosovans !!!! (Albanians masquerading as Kosovans ) would remain in the country.

I think all British politicians are crap , I really thought that Cameron was a breath of fresh air for the Conservatives until he started cuddling the " hoodies " and kissing the yobbos , what a naive and utterly lucking of common sense this guy is , and as for Mayor of London Ken Livingstone , what a prat , what an absolute plonker and yet less than 30 % of Londoners voted him in , no doubt all the plonkers of London .

This guy in days past would have given Henry the 8th immense pleasure taking part in one of his favourite activities.

Couldnt have put it better myself. Well I could but I'll let you have the applause mate. Top Hole!

And is why many of us are now considering moving elsewhere -
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Postby skyvet » Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:35 am

Perhaps it is time to adopt the American system of enforcement??Image
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:20 pm

Here is a good one from Ken Livingstone the pretender . Abu Hamzans's son poses no security threat to the UK just because he works for the London underground .What if he has a criminal record back home for terrorists activities and the fact that his father is the self declared exterminator of everything Western so what. The boy grew up not taking any notice of Daddy , attended Madrases and disregarded all the poisonous anti British slogans by Daddy , so now he works underground in London , we should all feel safer because this minion who rose to become the Mayor of London considers him perfectly safe !! He is a first rate idiot a man who at the age of almost 60 could not even learn to drive , took his test 6 times and failed now he runs London . What a joker.

In case some one is wondering why the hell I m still in the UK the answer is simple .Someone has to stay behind and turn the lights off .
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Postby BOF » Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:54 pm

8) Very true miltiades, very true. 1500 people enter (legally) every day and 1000 emigrate away..I had to drive into london for the first time in years and was appalled at the traffic congestion and the general ant heap activity with people rushing everywhere!! thank god i dont live there anymore.. there isnt enough money to make me want to work in that dung heap of a city.
But my cyprus friends take heed, speed cameras are only the beginning- In the UK there is one cctv camera for every FOURTEEN PEOPLE! And the record on infringment of peoples rights is only just better than Russia and China...This in the land of freedom of may have to switch the lights off chap -- i certainly will not be there to witness it!!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:31 pm

Bof , welcome to the forum and hope that your future move to Cyprus will be a success .

I adore Cyprus and visit at least once a month for a long weekend. Apart from wanting to " switch the lights off ", I have a very valid reason for being still in the UK .

I have always loved the UK and have never considered my self a foreigner . I love the country and I get quite annoyed at the stupidity of our " leaders ". Very soon the introduction of the "new rate system" will drive more people out of the country. What a disgusting tax , if you live in a decent part of the country with nice views some idiot thinks that you ought to pay for the privilege , the fact that I already pay taxes is immaterial. I hope that we see in our streets what we witnessed during the Poll tax era. I hope the British people will resist this gross injustice and react accordingly and peacefully.

Unfortunately most people have resigned to the grotesque treatment that is dished out from the authorities and will do nothing about it. The labour party should loose the next election but with David "love the hoodies " moron who is so distant Fromm the real world , I doubt it.

The bloody country is in the hands of incompetent politicians busy lining their pockets . The councils up and down the country are full of bloody immigrants who will tax us until we bleed in order to retain their huge salaries .

A school last week ruled that the wearing of the poppies -during poppy appeal week - infringed school uniform rules and banned it !! Christmas decorations are a thing of the past for most councils and Barclays Bank will again this year ban all sighs of the Xmas festivities . The nation is barking mad.
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Postby Marinos » Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:09 am

speed cameras and taxes... you should try living in Melbourne Aust!
:eyecrazy: get booked for 63 in a 60 km zone and see how frustrating it is... Aust government is money hungry, its all about revenue raising.

Regards to all , Marinos
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Postby bungle » Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:10 pm

Shame this will never get to this green & pleasant island!

Is this the end of the road for traffic lights? From the UK Telegraph - 4th Nov 06

Most traffic lights should be torn up as they make roads less safe, one of Europe's leading road engineers said yesterday.

Hans Monderman, a traffic planner involved in a Brussels-backed project known as Shared Space, said that taking lights away helped motorists, cyclists and pedestrians to co-exist more happily and safely.

Residents of the northern Dutch town of Drachten have already been used as guinea-pigs in an experiment which has seen nearly all the traffic lights stripped from their streets.

Only three of the 15 sets in the town of 50,000 remain and they will be gone within a couple of years.

The project is the brainchild of Mr Monderman, and the town has seen some remarkable results. There used to be a road death every three years but there have been none since the traffic light removal started seven years ago.

There have been a few small collisions, but these are almost to be encouraged, Mr Monderman explained. "We want small accidents, in order to prevent serious ones in which people get hurt," he said yesterday.

"It works well because it is dangerous, which is exactly what we want. But it shifts the emphasis away from the Government taking the risk, to the driver being responsible for his or her own risk.

"We only want traffic lights where they are useful and I haven't found anywhere where they are useful yet."

Mr Monderman, 61, compared his philosophy of motoring to an ice rink. "Skaters work out things for themselves and it works wonderfully well. I am not an anarchist, but I don't like rules which are ineffective and street furniture tells people how to behave."

In short, if motorists are made more wary about how they drive, they behave more carefully, he said.

The main junction in Drachten handles about 22,000 cars a day. Where once there were traffic lights, there is a roundabout, an extended cycle path and pedestrian area.

In the days of traffic lights, progress across the junction was slow as cars stopped and started. Now tailbacks are almost unheard of — and almost nobody toots a horn.

However, it is not the cars which seem to be involved in the greatest conflict, it is the cyclists and pedestrians who seem to jostle for space. Driving around Drachten, vehicles approach roundabouts with considerable caution – traffic approaches from the left, but cyclists come from either side.

Cyclists, almost none of whom bother with helmets, signal clearly at junctions making sure motorists are aware of them.

Thus far, Drachten's drivers and pedestrians have voted the experiment a success.

"I am used to it now," said Helena Spaanstra, 24. "You drive more slowly and carefully, but somehow you seem to get around town quicker."

Tony Ooostward, 70, was equally enthusiastic. "Everybody is learning. I am a walker and now you are the boss at the crossroads, everyone waits for you. But at the same time pedestrians wait until there are a number wanting to cross at the same time."

Kanaan Jamal, 39, like many people in Drachten, uses a bike to get around. "It is very smooth — a lot better than other towns," he said. The consensus is that the creation of uncertainty by taking away the lights and even in some places the road markings has worked

"Anybody who is new here doesn't know what to do. They don't know who has priority, the car, bike or pedestrian. It's all confusing, but because of that everybody takes care," Mr Jamal said.
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Postby BOF » Wed Nov 08, 2006 11:41 pm

8) It seems that another two speed cameras got painted red yesterday......
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