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Going to the dogs.

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Going to the dogs.

Postby bones » Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:20 am

Britain's youth are among the most badly behaved in Europe, a study by a think-tank has suggested.
On every indicator of bad behaviour - drugs, drink, violence, promiscuity - the UK was at or near the top, said the Institute for Public Policy Research.
The institute looked at the results of a number of studies of adolescents conducted in recent years.
The researchers believe the country's record can be explained by a collapse in family and community life in the UK.
Measured against German, French and Italian youngsters, British 15-year-olds are drunk more often and involved in more fights, and a higher proportion have had sex.

Picked this up today off the BBC site, it gets worse by the day over there, thank goodness i live here.
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Postby Snad » Thu Nov 02, 2006 11:43 am

Hey Bones

I think they are telling us old news there. Thats one of the reasons we moved to Cyprus.
People used to say that kids in the sixties were badly behaved, they are tame pussy cats to todays lot!! :wink:
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Postby bones » Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:12 am

Hey see the other posting about the idiots.
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Postby Plasma » Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:12 pm

Hey Bones remember that today’s youth does not represent the majority of Brits...yet!!!!

We have friends in Cyprus who also despair of their own youth culture and the fact that they are `getting out of control. This problem is not just inherent in GB it is prevalent and increasing worldwide. The Brits just seem to advertise their problems better and occasionally exported examples such as the Ayia Napa cult. To which it must be stressed the real Brits were very embarrassed. You have to remember most of us visit other countries to get away from the endemic proliferation of the yob culture here.

While we love Cyprus my impressions as a youthful 65 year old is that
generally speaking the British, who also hate the yobs, are pretty well behaved in Cyprus even though they find the Greek Cypriots on the whole dour and unresponsive, and their drivers all appear to be ex London Taxi drivers who seem to ignore every rule. All the cars seem to have no indicators as standard but certainly have a horn which is used as a plaything on every occasion.

If you consider me hyper critical I am not, only being observant. My wife and I who visit Cyprus frequently, roam the island looking for small communities that are untouched by tourist or commercial enterprises.. There you can find the little gems that are the real Cyprus and people who are unpretentious, welcoming, and friendly.

Believe it or not that is the case in England also, but it does take some finding.

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Postby unique_earthling » Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:53 pm

I loved the old Cyprus, the old villages and the old people in them, its the next generation that seem to be the problem and now the 3rd ones are growing up, money made quickly, without the conciousness to go with it. Daily life here is about making money, and both parents are out to work, this is the receipe for deliquency, parents having no time to get to know their children or direct them. Then guilt kicks in and they buy them expensive toys, like cars and motorbikes, the rest is history. I am a firm believer children need a parent at home, the only ones that decry this are those that work... Cyprus in the last 15 years is going the same way as the UK, when i came out here over 15 years ago drugs and crime was very uncommon, now its on the up and up, and eventually it will go the same way as England, chasing money will never be a substitute for good parenting, one parent families are on the rise, and so is dysfunctional ones.. And now that women are more independant, divorce will be more common as they wont have to put up with the deceit, womanizing, and non cooperation of their men folk. The ball has started rolling and in my opinion will end up the same as England in the future. There is a price to pay for making money the goal..
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Postby snursy3 » Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:35 pm

l believe it is youth all over the world. l met a lovely man from Norway who told me some people are scared to go out at night because gangs of youths terrify them.
Bring back National Service for girls and boys and teach them manners and morality.
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Postby zebedee » Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:35 pm

Yeah right. We really need a state system that teaches yobs how to use guns more effectively.... :wink:
Every generation has had its yob culture. It's just that in the past, regular wars have organised and directed youth aggression for a "noble" purpose.
For what its worth in my opinion, I think this particular generation are more heavily influenced by marketing/advertising from a younger age creating a "want it now" attitude. They also have access to cheaper travel and greater publicity of their actions than previous generations.
Its so easy to blame working parents (aka mothers). Changes in work patterns/ low availability of local well paid work results in families living further apart with less support. BTW I am an at home mom and totally support women who need to work.
Maybe if people spent less time huffing and puffing about the youth of today and spent more time working with kids..... :lol:
(taking a step backwards and placing hands over ears in anticipation...)
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Postby bones » Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:38 pm

The UK, Government is to soft on the idiots, i always said when i lived there that if i found some piece of scum in my house he would be leaving in an ambulance, how could i possibly get away with that over there well, he should not have made the mistake of trying to hit me with the baseball bat that ended up wrapped around his head. oh dear what a shame.
I posted the above and i am sorry to say Plasma that you are a little of line, the idiot culture in the UK has now reached the point that people cant walk the streets at night in safety, there is no respect whatsoever for any adult. I know not all youth are the same but its begs the question why are people leaving the UK in their thousands every year, Cyprus in not paradise and has its problems but my goodness they are no where near as bad as over there. I know where i am staying. 8)
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Postby Natty » Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:29 pm

Hey, I don't be honest with you I think a big problem is the binge drinking culture. When you're completely of your head your bound to be more violent, more promiscuous, etc. Not that everyone binge drinks...But, I mean, whenever I go out in Cyprus, people will drink, but they tend to stop at a certain point, and also there's more of a cafe culture, where you go and drink a coffee, instead of an alcoholic drink...and have a chat...

In all the time I've been going out in Cyprus, I've only ever seen one guy really drunk...(excluding Agia Napa of course.. :) )

But I could be wrong, and I'm definitely not saying that the youth of Cyprus are perfect, I mean they have a HUGE problem with careless driving, I really get worried about some friends over there...
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