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2nd most rainy October of all time!

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2nd most rainy October of all time!

Postby Sotos » Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:25 pm

This October was the 2nd most rainy October since 1901 that they keep records. The most rainy one was in 1942. I am guessing we will not see another such October in our lifetime unless this has something to do with the greenhouse effect :shock:
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Postby orokliniservices » Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:18 pm

oh i so belive it
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Postby Swashbuckler » Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:15 pm

Any idea what the measurements and the averages were for the main areas?
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Postby zebedee » Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:10 pm

It was our fault. We came from a notoriously wet part of Wales for a couple of weeks. Sorry. We are back again for good in February so stock up on brollies in preparation. :roll:
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Postby Snad » Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:07 pm

I can well believe that. I say thank God for tiled floors. My 3 dogs are driving me crazy, keep walking in with their muddy paws.
Have to sweep and mop about 4 times a day. :shock: To much house work for me!!!!
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Postby twinkle » Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:16 pm

My dogs don't want to go out in this weather. Tuesday night the Jack Russell stepped out side the kitchen door and immediately turned back and came in. He held his pee all night long.....
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Postby Snad » Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:30 pm

Hi Twinkle,

Awh bless him. My lot just thunder out and stamp around in it. One of mine hates thunder & lightening and hides under the stairs and won't come out till its finished. :cry:
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Second driest December in a century

Postby Sotos » Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:40 am

THIS DECEMBER has been the second driest in the last 100 years, with only four millimetres of rainfall recorded.

Head of the Meteorological Service, Kyriacos Theofilou yesterday told the Mail that the average for the month is 105mm, with no rain expected today or on Christmas Day.

The Water Development Department has said that 129 million cubic metres of water are now needed in order to reach last year’s dam capacity for the corresponding period. “It’s a very worrying situation,” a spokesman admitted yesterday.

It will not be a white Christmas, with Theofilou explaining that snowfall has also been down this month. “We did have some snow on higher ground on Friday afternoon, but none is expected on the lower plains,” he said.

According to the Meteorological Service, the current situation has been caused by a huge weather system affecting the UK and running through Scandinavia and Russia, before heading down to the Middle East. “This system has been causing the dry weather that we have been experiencing and has blocked the atmosphere, so to speak,” a spokesman said.

The dry weather is the exact opposite to October, which saw rainfall levels at their second highest for the month since 1901, with 109mm recorded, a 333 per cent increase over the norm.

In general, the weather has wreaked havoc over the past three months. Two people were killed after a flash flood hit Paphos, while 100 British holidaymakers were lucky to escape with their lives when a mudslide brought on by torrential rain viciously swept through the Corallia Hotel.

Tornados were sighted three kilometres off the coast of Vardas beach, with high winds and an electrical storm forcing British Airways to divert all flights to and from Paphos airport.

A whirlwind also hit Larnaca, uprooting trees and severely damaging property, while a section of motorway filled with mud and stones, making driving conditions impossible.

This year was the year of contradictory weather records !
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Postby unique_earthling » Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:08 am

They say Cyprus is the country of extremes where weather is concerned, but i am not complaining i love this time of year, sunshine without searing heat, warm days yet cozy at night with the fire on and heavy duvets on the bed. Not cold enough yet for me hotty botty, better clarify that, a hotty botty=(hot water bottle) for all those who dont understand UK kiddy speak.

Anyway have a great one, i am off to work soon.
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Postby Sotos » Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:08 pm

You are working today? Are you working in a bakery or a kiosk? Everything else is closed today!
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