Pyrpolizer wrote: Zan wrote: Where are you my sweet prince? Hast thou forsaken me and gone to find a gypsy of thine own? It is useless for I have the last one and she is called Rollo and I wilst not share her with anyone.
Re hypocrite, you became more British than the British themselves, you even speak mediaeval English language and you tell me you are afraid of losing your Turkishness in Cyprus?
Tell me the
real reason you want that, gypsy thief!

My Turkishness was taken away from me when I was forced out of Cyprus in 1964. I have been trying to get my Turkishness back and more importantly my Turkish Cypriotness back. This is from a personal point and I beg you not to make an issue of it but I would like to find that I can at least help to preserve a part of Cyprus that will help me and thousands like me to some where to call home.
As to the point of wanting partition it comes from a much more practical reason. I do not believe that unification can work with all the baggage we are carrying and the position we are in today. Make of that what you will but it is as simple as that.
I can see where you are coming from though and it is not from a point of practicality but from shear emotion. You are letting your heart rule your head and sod the consequences. I have never been rash in anything I do and always take a long time to come to a decision. To some I have been known to take an age but that is the way I am. I sometimes have to take these decisions with a heavy heart.