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Postby andri_cy » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:02 am

Yes Dinos I was thinking the same thing. It should be close to impossible for the general public to buy lanate.
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Postby Marz » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:09 am

cant undeerstand the mentality of Cypriots either, poisoned baits in parks and peoples houses. They dont care about killing innocent animals especially dogs.
Cyprus has hardly any animals left on the island and the idiots are going the right way of killing everything.
ffs they even kill sparrows and pidgeons to eat them.
They only see worthy animals are the ones that they can eat, all the others can die and have no palce in the world.
Im a hunter and i love my dogs, theres a line between hunting, and killing for stupidity and dont agree to poisoning anything.

here inAusfarmers are allowed to use baits for feral pests that kill very quickly, the poison is so toxic, flys and maggots can not live on the dead carcass, and anything that eats it will die too.
MAny dogs are poisoned in rural areas but around citys theres no such thing happening.

But ive heard stories of people poisoning peoples dogs, after arguements and suprise, suprise they were European.
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:37 am

dinos wrote:Agreed, it takes a special type of coward to poison someone else's pets.

It's pure malice - and not far from other types of crime - don't psychologists say that people who deliberately harm animals are disturbed?
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Postby unique_earthling » Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:25 am

Thankyou for your support, Its been a horrible start to the week and my heart really goes out to those that have and will lose their beloved pets through this period of hunting. I have got her story put in the national newspaper but as every year is the same and still nothing has changed i feel so powerless and angry. The disgarded hunting dogs and those that have ran away fearful of the gun are already coming to the shelter. One dog came in to the clinic totally smattered with lead shot which smashed some of its bones, the idiot had shot his own dog. And when its personal as with my friend, to see her sobbing her heart out as she told me her scruffy died in her arms and another she couldnt find. It had crawled off to die somewhere, my anger hits the roof. Needless to say my friend has decided now to leave Cyprus, i will miss her and so will the shelter and animals in Cyprus.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:27 pm

I have lost 3 cats this year to these evil people, 2 I transported from england and 1 was an adopted stray...

I would love to have another cat, as there are so many unwanted cats in cyprus, but I cannot bear to see another member of my family assasinated byt his evil practice...

If i ever see anyone laying poison near my house at night, i will quite happily force it down their throats...

It will be a mercy killing...

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Postby andri_cy » Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:04 pm

Hopefully one day soon something will be done about it and you will be able to have a cat. Until then have you thought about training a cat to be an inside cat? I know you don't want to hear it, but a lot of people do it here in the US. I have never owned a cat and I don't know what it is best for them or not, so it is just a suggestion.
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Postby GorillaGal » Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:33 pm

i have owned several cats, all indoor cats, plus i am a pet sitter by trade. all i can say is that cats sleep 18 hours a day anyway, so they do very well as inside only cats. especially if they were obtained as kittens, they don't know much about the outdoors. they will live longer being indoor cats too. and i would assume in the heat there, they would prefer life indoors, in teh shade, on cool marble floors, or in air conditioning. cats do indeed do very well indoors, and if you feel bad for them, then grow them their own batch of grass, and play with them. they'll love you forever!
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Postby mimi » Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:08 am

i agree with gorilla girl. If you have cats you should keep them mostly inside the house and let them out for an hour or two a day and they will een come sooner than that coz they dont like it so much outside haha,I have two cats, raised them from kittens and are proper house cats and they are 12 years old !! They occassionally go outdoors but I would have to say it is a great accomplishment for a cat to surive in Cyprus for so many years!!! guess they are street-wise haha
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Postby dinos » Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:42 am

reportfromcyprus wrote:
dinos wrote:Agreed, it takes a special type of coward to poison someone else's pets.

It's pure malice - and not far from other types of crime - don't psychologists say that people who deliberately harm animals are disturbed?

Well, they poison the dogs anonymously, and then hide. Neither of which requires any balls.

As far as hunting goes, I disagree with banning it. It's a better idea to add more challenging prey to the hunt, like wild boar. Wild boar are hateful buggers, can kill people and taste very good. Domesticated pigs will revert in about 6 months or so, so there's no need to import any. They can be held on a farm or ranch and organized hunting expeditions can be made for them while keeping the general public relatively safe.
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Postby Swashbuckler » Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:44 am

dinos wrote:
reportfromcyprus wrote:
dinos wrote:Agreed, it takes a special type of coward to poison someone else's pets.

It's pure malice - and not far from other types of crime - don't psychologists say that people who deliberately harm animals are disturbed?

Well, they poison the dogs anonymously, and then hide. Neither of which requires any balls.

As far as hunting goes, I disagree with banning it. It's a better idea to add more challenging prey to the hunt, like wild boar. Wild boar are hateful buggers, can kill people and taste very good. Domesticated pigs will revert in about 6 months or so, so there's no need to import any. They can be held on a farm or ranch and organized hunting expeditions can be made for them while keeping the general public relatively safe.

We had some wild pigs in the North (escaped after 1974) and you're right they tasted amazing. All gone now sadly.

I dont understand why hunting is being blamed for the use of lanate. Hunters' dogs would be at as much risk as other animals. Seems to me the anti-hunting lobby are trying to pin more evil on the hunters.

In the North it's shepherds who are usually to blame for laying down poisons. But before we rush to lynch them we have to consider that they are attempting to protect their flocks from the masses of stray dogs - not just from attack but much more from the spread of disease. Would be better if there was more animal control resulting in less strays and therefore less disease. Failing that maybe there could be a day each year where the hunters can only shoot stray dogs and pet owners have to keep their animals indoors.

BTW visiting expats with homes here who feed local strays only make the situation worse. Cyprus is rife with dog-diseases - mainly because of the stray population. Unless the swallows are going to look after the animal full-time better to have it exterminated and make it safer for full-time residents' animals.
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