Eliko wrote:Incidentally, have you noticed that the English language seems to be the only one where an argument may be resolved, not by the elevation of speech but by the use of offensive remarks, it would appear that in order to overcome your opponents view, a few well chosen expletives will put you in the high-ground.
I thought it was who hit the hardest or who shouted the loudest?

Well, I'm exempt from this anyway because I'm learning Greek! In fairness it was impossible tracking down somewhere to learn Greek (other than Holiday Greek) in the UK so I've ended up doing it via the Kypros.org website and with Linguaphone (and the help of my lovely Cypriot friend, NSG who I met on this forum! ps.thank you!)
It's not an easy language to learn but I love learning it! I wouldn't dream of moving to a country and not learning the language and embracing the customs.