reportfromcyprus wrote:
It's as if it's not a crime to shoot someone when it's in the context of a hunt, and safety is the last thing on hunter's minds even though it's one of the most dangerous situations you can be in...loaded guns etc.
I have commented on this on a previous incident that occured, but for the benefit of the ill informed i would like to make the foloowing comments :
1. RFC, to shoot someone is a crime, but if it is an accident then thats different. When a father shoots his son or vice versa, would you say this was premeditaed, melicious or would you say it was an accident, however stupid it may sound ?
I mean come on, isn't it bad enough that these poor soles will live with this issue for the rest of their lives especially if it is a fatal accident ?
Accidents do and will happen, they can be minimised, but can still happen.
2. As for the game numbers, granted maybe not as large as the UK, Assui, USA, but the there are some 150,000 partridge raised and released for the shooting and hares too. You just need to know where to go. I am a hunter and at first sight my impression is there is nothing to shoot until you see what some people bring home.
3. Lay off the activity, its not the hunting thats the problem. We have the right to do this, its not illegal, we are in a democracy. The people who so easily call for a ban don't do it, don't understand it and therefore don't want anyone else to do it either.
Your efforts would be better placed by complaining about the poor / dangerous driving in cyprus as this affects everyone not just the hunters.