MicAtCyp wrote: Have won?! How? Use the right words Erol. Granted, donated, gifted, (all these are the right words) ALL on the expense of the dirty GC dogs who dared fight against her Majesty for their freedom. I would really be ashamed if I were you to say "I won those rights". By the way do you know that the vast majority of the TCs are not ashamed to repeat it all the time and to excpect even more rights today?
This is all so pointless
TC did not 'win' their rights in 1960? They did not argue their case in UN and to the UK. Are all rights the TC secure only 'gifts'? Is the only way to 'win' something through bloodshed and murder? Did we 'win' the North of the island in 74?
It was just a word and you have gone 'crazy' over it's use. The fact is TC had rights under the 1960 agreements. Whether they were 'won' or 'gifted' (and course everybody knows the world just loves to give to TC and take from GC), they were rights achieved legaly through negotiation and not through murder and killing.
MicAtCyp wrote:
Have you seen the effects of a real embargo yourself? if not I suggest you have a look at the embargo on medicines and everyday supplies to Iraq.
Or perhaps I should look at the embargoes the GC put on TC enclaves in period 63 onwards?
Have you seen what a 'real' refugee looks like?