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cpriots and the army

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cpriots and the army

Postby datalife » Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:13 pm

what i want to know is why should i and my son have to go to the army to serve our country, and yet all the russian, georgian, greek, english and so on emigrants that live in cyprus and enjoy all the benefits don't have to give back anything to this society. no we can not trust them to join our army but they can do community work. they go to the same school as my children they enjoy free education some even free health. and yet it is just the cypriots that have to suffer for this country. we have to suffer so that they can enjoy living in a free socitey all for free. and when we finish our national service we come back to find that since leaving school, and being the first on the market they reap in all the good jobs. and all we can do is just sit back and watch this is all rubbish.
the government needs to start thinking about its people they need to start to think of its soldiers. we suffer and are given 83 pounds a month and these non cypriots get good jobs and they get 800 pounds a month while i loose 2 years of my life they earn enough to pay for a deposit for a house and can even buy them selves a car. when we cypriots leave the army we leave with nothing this is rubbish rubbish
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Postby Svetlana » Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:36 pm

Well Datafile

You suggest foreigners dont give anything back to (Cypriot) society.
My personal taxation is in excess of £20,000 each year, plus the indirect taxes I pay on goods and services I buy. I also pay the maximum Social Insurance contributions allowed, plus providing employment for my Cypriot staff in a company I run - as well as making many charitable contributions to Cypriot charities (Cyprus War Veterans Assocaition, next month, for example).

I am not sure where you get the idea foreigners enjoy the benefits of Cyprus for free. In spite of paying such large Social Insurance contributions I pay for private health care, so am not a burden on the Cypriot State health system - and will also never benefit from a Cyprus 'Old Age' pension.

If a Cypriot goes to reside in another country, I very much doubt he/she would be asked to do community work there.

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Postby hunter » Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:39 pm

wow Lana,

£20 gs??

do u wanna live in my country and pay taxes to me??
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Postby Sotos » Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:16 pm

When you live in your country you have some more benefits and some more responsibilities.
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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:38 pm

imagine if i was asked to repeat the army in germany !!!!
(in short this the answer to your question)
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Postby Denis_B » Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:09 pm

Datalife try it in the UK. Here many immigrants contribute nil, zilch and get free housing, free medical treatment, benefits to which they have nevr contributed and breed like rabbits and try to impose thei values and culture on us!

I can't wait to come to Cyprus to contribute and fit in with you.

If you are as good as you think then why wouldn't you get a job?
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Postby pantheman » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:14 am


just get a life, although i understand what you say, those 'foreigners you speak of are there today gone tomorrow. You on the other hand are there to stay, raise a family and gaurd the home land (tin patrida). I was born in the UK with GC parents, so if i want to stay in cyprus i and my son would be subject to the same National service.

This could be considered even a worst situation than yours, since we never actually grew up there.

So, do your duty and don't worry yourself about the others , as for jobs, i don't beleive they get the better ones. Honestly, in cyprus its who you know !!

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Postby orokliniservices » Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:47 am

Why should "foreigners" be forced to guard any country? Most of the foreigners you speak of here are retired ex-pats who have chosen Cyprus as their retirement home, they've worked for nearly 50 years back in the UK and have decided to put their retirement plan and pension into YOUR country.. You should be greatful, not complaining. Without the money from the "foreigners" where do you really think Cyprus would be? Where would Spain be, where would any of the retirement countries be?
It's unfortunate that in this country you are "forced" into doing military work.. but at the end of the day that's the rules, that's what your country has decided and there is nothing you can do about it.. So stop complaining so much and just get the job done!
There are ways around the military work for instance.. if you have 3 kids you are exempt, but only 2 your not.. look into what other ways around this mandatory work.
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Postby Denis_B » Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:09 am

As an aside, so if there was no compulsory military service and the Turks decided to flex their muscle would you expect other 'foreigners' to come in and protect you?
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Postby annaka » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:07 pm

Well, they haven't yet.

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