On what basis do you beilive that if the Turkish Army decides to "roll over" the green line, the GC conscripts will either be massacred or run away? Are you saying that the Turks are better and more brave fighters, even though most of them are also conscripts? Do you think that if the Turkish army decides to roll over, it will only be the 12,000, 18-20 year old conscripts that will face them? Don't you know that all men from 20-50 that live along the green line, some 50,000 first call reservists, are all sleeping with their weapons, uniforms and ammunition at home, organized in battalions along the green line, and that within half to 1 hour from the time the Turks will show signs of their intentions to "roll over," they will be faced with a force of 50,000 troops in front of them, and another one of an additional 50,000 recervist troops within the next 3-4 hours coming from the back? Do you think that in case of a war, we will live the 18-20 year olds to defend our country, properties, wives and children? Or do you think that the 40,000 18-22 years old Turkish army conscripts will put up with and equal number of 20-40 year old mature men fighting for the lives of their children and parents and the honor of their wives and daughters?
I tell you something! In case of a scenario like the one you describe, definitely one of the two sides will be on the run; however, this will not be the GC one!
And do not worry, we do not need you to join the Cypriot army! We will do well on our own!
AROUND 400 new conscripts are exempted from their National Guard obligations on average every year, the National Guard Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Constantinos Bisbikas, has said.
But if the number of exempted men also includes reserves, it is believed the total figure may be closer to 1,000, if not higher.
It is widely accepted that a large percentage of soldiers who claim they are mentally unfit for the National Guard only do so to escape the compulsory 25-month military obligation, which begins on a person’s 18th birthday.
Overseas Cypriots who repatriate to Cyprus also face conscription, but if they have had a permanent family home abroad for at least 10 years then they are entitled to a reduced service period depending on the age they settled in Cyprus.
Those who settled in Cyprus between the ages of 10 and 13 face 18 months’ service; between 13 and 18, 12 months’ service; between 18 and 26, six months, and from 26-50, three months. Those over 50 are exempted from military service.
Defence Ministry Spokesman Yiannis Patsalides told the Cyprus Mail yesterday that it is difficult to determine whether people are mentally ill or not, with the result that many who are fit to serve are exempted.
“Something needs to be done, because they often pose as mentally ill and then later become doctors and lawyers and other such things,” Patsalides said. “They go and study while others are serving in the military.”
Patsalides expected a special committee would soon be established to examine the validity of the requests for exemption.
Those exempted due to mental illness must reappear before the National Guard every six months for two years to confirm they are still unfit for service.
Those who refuse to serve in the National Guard face penal procedures, but according to daily Politis, no penalties have been doled out recently.
Citing the inefficiency of the present exemption system, the House Defence Committee has proposed amending the law to make it more effective.
DIKO MP Fytos Constantinou has suggested that the law be separated into two categories: conscientious objectors and the mentally ill.
According to the proposed amended version of the law, conscientious objectors would be permitted to serve unarmed for 33 months in uniform within the army camp. Those objectors who oppose wearing a uniform or serving in a camp would be permitted to undertake community service for a 38-month term.
But it is believed that the European Union would oppose such an amendment because conscientious objectors would be forced to serve for a longer period than the soldiers.
The Defence Department hopes to put the amended law to the House for a vote within two months.
Constantinou also said that a number of soon-to-be conscripts falsely convert as Jehova’s Witnesses or Christians of other denominations to escape conscription.
Members of some recognised religious groups like Armenians, Roman Catholics and Maronites do not face compulsory conscription; and Turkish Cypriots are not conscripted into the National Guard.
The Greek Cypriot ethnicity National Guard was established in 1964 following civil unrest and violence between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. In 1964, the Turkish Cypriots withdrew any further participation from the National Guard, to which they had been entitled 40 per cent of the total manpower.
‘If you’re in your right mind, say you’re crazy’
ONE English Cypriot who just last month completed his mandatory three-month military term, told the Cyprus Mail yesterday that “100 per cent” of the conscripts he knew who gained exemption on the grounds of mental illness did so only to escape military service rather than because they were genuinely mentally ill.
He also claimed that the National Guard was perfectly aware these people were not mentally ill.
“There was one Australian Cypriot who within a week of being in the army went to the military psychiatrist and said he couldn’t deal with the army any more and he wanted out. The military psychologist placed a list [of mental illnesses] under his nose, and said ‘pick one’.”
“And he did and that’s how he got out.”
The English Cypriot said he had a twisted spine and a problematic knee, which prevents him from running, and yet he was unable to gain exemption on those grounds.
“I can’t bend down because of my knee and my back but they said the only way I can get out is if I am mentally ill,” he said, adding that he decided not to claim so because he would have then had to keep returning to the National Guard to demonstrate he was still ill. “I didn’t want that hanging over my head.”
The irony, he said, was that he was unable to win exemption on grounds of his physical condition, which rendered him genuinely unfit for military action, and yet he could have gained exemption on psychological grounds, despite his mental health.
He said that on one day alone, when he went to get his back examined, he saw around 20 exempted conscripts. “And that was just what I saw in one day,” he said, adding that it was ridiculous to suggest only 400 were exempted yearly on grounds of mental illness or that the army was not aware that practically all of them were in fine mental health.
“They know exactly what’s going on. They put a paper under your nose and say, ‘choose what’s wrong with you’.”
The English Cypriot did not advise other repatriated Cypriots to put themselves through the rigmarole of conscription as he did, instead recommending that they take the path of others who claim mental illness.
“I would just advise anyone in their right mind to say I’m here and I’m crazy.”
Bananiot wrote:Treason! If its so easy, why do we not attack first and gain a strategic advantage? Why wait to be attacked?
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