having recently emigrated to cyprus, my husband and i really enjoy playing poker (normally NL Holdem) and would be interested in organising a game with others.
if anyone is interested can PM me or reply.
had to throw in my 2 pence worth here.
i cetrtainly wouldn' t live in the north.
firstly, i think there is definitely a moral issue here- why do you think the prices are so much lower? - because in effect they are selling 'stolen' property.
secondly, on our visit over there i was disgusted at how filthy the turks are, i wouldn,t live there if they paid me!!!
they have no self-respect, and obviously do not take care of the land, as they obviously feel its not theirs!!
they are happy to live in the squalor and filth because they didn't pay for it.
you may find work out there because they're too lazy to work.
and from other forums i have read they make their money by fleecing and cheating the tourists.
i'm not so blind to know some of this doesn't go on in the south, but it is illegal over here to build on or sell property that belongs to the turks.
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