cosmic wrote:Thanks for your replies - they are very much appreciated
So the 10% coverage for agricultural land relates to the ground area occupied by the building, so 1000 m² of land could allow for a 200m² 2-storey building, but if its not agricultural land then I would only be allowed 100m² for both floors so a ground area coverage of 50 m²
Or am I reading too much into this?
There are 3 factors you should take into consideration.
a.) The Building coverage factor (sq. m. as % of the plot area)
b.) The Area coverage factor (sq. m. as % of the plot area)
c.) The maximum height factor (meters)
The first refers to the maximum permissible total size of the building in sq. meters, the second reefers to the maximum permissible ground level coverage of the plot in sq. meters, and the third refers to the maximum height the building can go up to. Usually they work in a direct relationship to each other, i.e. if the maximum height is 7 meters (i.e. 2 floors) and the Building factor is 40%, then usually the area factor will be 20%. However, this is not an absolute rule, and therefore you will need to check with the town planning office for the particulars of each area zone. Basements, open verandas and open ground floor parking are not calculated in the building coverage factor.
PS: Agricultural land is usually around 10% building factor (it can be even less, including 0%,) but there is a minimum size of land which you must have in order be able to build a house (of any size.) If I am not mistaken it must be at least 5 donums (6670 sq. meters) or larger. There must also be a formally registered road passing by the land (touching to it with at least 3 meters from any side of the land,) otherwise you will have to buy a passage road first, from someone else that has such access.