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Postby Hogie » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:29 pm

Hi, I am unusual I think, in that, I am Scottish, but not proud of it, never have been. I feel there is a huge devide between Scotland and England, and not the fault of the English, I have never heard an English person decry the Scots, but have heard plenty Scots decry the English, my Husband is English,not easy living in Scotland believe me. We will be in Cyprus from January, and will try to be as 'Cypriot' as possible, always remembering that we are guests in their country.
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Postby saravakos » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:57 pm

theres a lot of truth in miltiades parents and friends parents came here and worked their ass off to get somewhere. now we've got immigrants who claim asylum and get given everything. and who pays for the benefits?

the good old taxpayer
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Postby sal » Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:07 pm

saravakos wrote:theres a lot of truth in miltiades parents and friends parents came here and worked their ass off to get somewhere. now we've got immigrants who claim asylum and get given everything. and who pays for the benefits?
the good old taxpayer

There's definitely tension brewing about the situation in the UK with the immigation and the lies and spin being put on everything. It's bulls**t basically and everyone's getting pretty fed up of being made to feel guilty for being British.
Can't wait to make my millions and move to a Greek speaking country!
Although all governments are prob. as bent as each other...
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Postby saravakos » Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:42 pm

if i had the chance to move to Athens i'd be off...its scary how drastically england has changed these last few years.
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Postby miltiades » Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:09 pm

Hogie , welcome to the forum , and I do wish you have a nice holiday in Cyprus. Don't worry about being yourselves , Cypriots are a welcoming lot and a hospitable one too.
Hope the weather performs well for you .
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Postby sal » Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:46 pm

saravakos wrote:if i had the chance to move to Athens i'd be off...its scary how drastically england has changed these last few years.

What's stopping you?
Sorry, just being nosey!
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Postby Niki » Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:07 pm

cypezokyli wrote:what is so right about what miltiades wrote :shock:
he lives there as an immigrant and he accuses the multi-culturalism of britain...for gods sake!!!!
not to mention all the rest of the stereotypes :roll: :roll:

There is a big difference. Miltiades embraces what the UK has to offer, working with the culture - not against it. Many immigrants believe that the UK is a soft touch and somewhere to get something for nothing and the government are stupid enough to allow it.
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Postby Niki » Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:09 pm

Hogie wrote:Hi, I am unusual I think, in that, I am Scottish, but not proud of it, never have been. I feel there is a huge devide between Scotland and England, and not the fault of the English, I have never heard an English person decry the Scots, but have heard plenty Scots decry the English, my Husband is English,not easy living in Scotland believe me. We will be in Cyprus from January, and will try to be as 'Cypriot' as possible, always remembering that we are guests in their country.

Wow - that's so refreshing - so realistic. You should fit in well wherever you are Hogie - good attitude.

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Postby saravakos » Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:43 am

sal wrote:
saravakos wrote:if i had the chance to move to Athens i'd be off...its scary how drastically england has changed these last few years.

What's stopping you?
Sorry, just being nosey!

finding work my friend!! plus my Greek isnt the best
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Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:09 am

Cyperzokily wrote:
"""what is so right about what miltiades wrote
he lives there as an immigrant and he accuses the multi-culturalism of britain...for gods sake!!!!
not to mention all the rest of the stereotypes """

Wake up to realities . I live in the UK as a true Brit having come here as an immigrant.
I fly the flag I support our football team I hate cricket , I vote at elections I criticize unpleasant aspects of life and no one ever told me to go back where I came from , you know why , because my passion for this country and my sorrow at what the politicians have forced us to accept glows and people see it and react. There is in my children English blood and their grandfather fought in the last war and served as a prisoner of war in Japan , he fought so that we enjoy what every civilized human being should enjoy .FREEDOM OF SPEECH , FREEDOM BELIEVE OR NOT -LIVE WITHOUT FEAR OF THE POLICE THE ARMY OR THE F..NG RELIGIOUS POLICE.
This is why Miltiades is correct. The new immigrants do not deserve these precious gifts because frankly my dear they are not ready yet since they are stuck in the dark ages.
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