cyprus4ever wrote:greek-cypriot and proud lol
I live in england though unfortunately.
How long time you ve been in london ? you know maybe when you ll go back in cyprus you will regret london

I am french and french

cyprus4ever wrote:greek-cypriot and proud lol
I live in england though unfortunately.
Svetlana wrote:Virtually all law passed by the UK Government applies to all of the United Kingdom
andri_cy wrote:You can always move back.
miltiades wrote:SIMON WROTE: "" And why is every Brit I speak to so critical of their country, envying those who live abroad "
Because successive British Governments have demoted the British culture and encouraged multi bloody culturism and allowed the introduction of faith schools in our traditionally secular society. The nation is bracing it self for the day or rather days of reckoning . The British people have been lied to continually , our Health service , once the envy of the world is run by money motivated individuals who care mostly about making as much out of the NHS as possible. The surgical removal of self inflicted tattoos is costing our NHS some 300 million a year. What a bloody joke has our nation become.Get pregnant , have a kid and get a flat , a kid without a father without a family in most cases tomorrows hooligans.
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