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Postby Svetlana » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:25 am

But Andri, it wasn't the 'English Empire' it was the 'British Empire' and a fair number of Scots and Welsh were involved in the good and bad of 'ruling the world'.

But as Niki says, I am sure English people feel British and Scots feel Scottish!

I wonder if Moldavians, for exampl, feel Russian after 15 years from the break up of the USSR - or do they have their own national identity ???

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Postby Sotos » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:36 am

Moldovians are more like Romanians than Russians I think.
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Postby cypezokyli » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:36 am

some do.
and they actually hold a piece of land of moldavia with guns since 1990s, and demand its partition , and perhaps even union with russia ... 641826.stm
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Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:43 am

Issy 1956 wrote ""Cypriot through and through""

And I'm proud of you !
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Postby Sotos » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:49 am

This sounds familiar ;)

The international community does not recognise its self-declared statehood, and the territory, which remains in a tense stand-off with Moldova, is often portrayed as a hotbed of crime.

But their case is different:

In the post World War II carve-up of the region, Moscow created Moldova's forerunner, the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, from two disparate elements: the mainly Russian-speaking Dniester region, formerly an autonomous part of Ukraine, and the neighbouring region of Bessarabia, which had been part of Romania from 1918-1940.

So Moldova was made up by one part of Romania and one part of Ukraine :shock: No wonder they have troubles now! Anyways ... back to the topic. Not Cypriots are more! :shock:
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Postby erico » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:52 am

There are 2 points regarding the English patriotism....

First one is that the English have done nothing to strengthen their patriotism. Scotland has moved on and has formed it's own parliament, as have the Welsh. In my opinion the Welsh have gone further, as they have their own language and a recognised national anthem, whilst we Scots claim that our bastardised English is our language, and a 1960's folk song is our national anthem. meanwhile the English keep putting themselves down, which I can never understand. Why don't you have an autonomous parliament? Why don't you have your own national anthem? the reason to me is clear. The English people still believe that it was England and not Britain which had colonies and ruled the world!! And therefore there is no need for such trivial matters..... the attitude of English people visiting Cyprus (and any other country for that matter) is a clear indication of this. You would think you were outside Old Trafford on match days during the Summer in Limassol. The ''in your face'' attitude is almost embarassing. But sadly, that is what is concieved by most as being patriotic.

The English should form a parliament to discuss only English matters. Should have their own national anthem (God save the Queen if that is what the majority want), should feel proud of their ENGLISH heritage (without shouting about winning world wars once drunk), and should be ambassadors for themselves when visting others, rather than treating every flight overseas as an invasion party !!

Be proud to be Scottish, Welsh and English, proud to be British, and proud to be European !! But spread the message with pride, not forcefully.
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Postby Niki » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:46 am

Everyone I know wishes there could be an 'English' parliament. It's just the way the media portrays the situation. Your answer however does demonstrate the depth of feeling - my point entirely.

The British Empire was another situation created by power mad rulers and I for one certainly don't want the reponsibility of running other countries. We already have to work hard to pay enough in taxes that suport the poorer countries in Europe.

As for attitudes of Brits (The Scottish can be a bit unruly too) visiting Cyprus - you are right that there are real lager louts but surely you cannot condemn us all! Me and my family are quite nice people although I do enjoy the occassional (or more) glass of wine.
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Postby cosmic » Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:06 pm

erico wrote:The English should form a parliament to discuss only English matters.

One small problem with that erico, much as most people living in England would love to have their own parliament - the current government would fall if it happened. You see, in order to get legislation passed for the UK - which of course does not apply in Scotland, the government is reliant on the support of both Welsh and Scottish members of parliament.

It might happen, if there is a change in government at the next election in 2 or 3 years time, but not under the present administration since politicians do not like to vote themselves out of a soft job.
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Postby cyprus4ever » Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:34 pm

greek-cypriot and proud lol

I live in england though unfortunately.
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Postby andri_cy » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:05 pm

Svetlana wrote:But Andri, it wasn't the 'English Empire' it was the 'British Empire' and a fair number of Scots and Welsh were involved in the good and bad of 'ruling the world'.

But as Niki says, I am sure English people feel British and Scots feel Scottish!

I wonder if Moldavians, for exampl, feel Russian after 15 years from the break up of the USSR - or do they have their own national identity ???


That's because the English are the ones who game up with the whole Great Britain idea probably. I am sure that the Scottish would have been extra happy being Scottish for ever, don't you think?
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