Eliko wrote:Ladies, Ladies, you seriously misjudge me by your instant objection to my joke, I was merely trying to introduce a little brevity into the situation and can accept the fact that you did not appreciate my perception in the matter, however, to instantly assume that I am not an animal lover and qualify your remarks with the word 'obviously' says more about your own characteristics than mine. I would like you to know that I am a regular subscriber to the Battersea Dog's Home and have been so for many years, the majority of the jokes I have learned (with the emphasis on dogs) actually came from the staff and handlers at that home which I visited on a regular basis in connection with my occupation as a laboratory assistant, an occupation that I still follow, although these days I am busier with 'bird flu'. You may note that I am an early riser and I would also like you to know that I am a member of several charitable organisations, I am a vegetarian and am now going to make a snap judgement on you.
I imagine you have little else to do other than voice your criticisms and opinions to all and sundry, I form this opinion from the timing of your various forays into the Forum, I can also visualise you chomping away at your pork sausages and bacon butties whilst you decry people and topics of which you have no knowledge.
I do apologise if my joke injured your sensibilities and hope that you will accept them together with my comments
which I assure you are intended with no malice.
Don't let them bother you Eliko. I informed them long time ago that you can not be a true animal lover if you are not vegetarian but they wouldn't listen. They wanted to eat me too