Piratis wrote:If you are referring to my first paragraph, what I said is true.
We have many many British living in the free areas. However most of them do not care much about the Cyprus problem since it doesn't affect them.
On the other hand the foreigners that "purchased" stolen Greek Cypriot property in the occupied areas have realized how easily they can lose their illegal investment if the Turkish occupation ends. Therefore they fully adopted the Turkish propaganda and they are trying to promote it since this is what serves their personal interests.
miltiades wrote:No Cypriot will be happy to have his ancestral home sold to a foreign investor. The T/Cs are aware of this and most if not all are in disagreement with the land developers getting rich on other peoples misery. Also T/C land in the ROC must remain as such , land belonging to our Cypriot compatriots . All reasonable honest family minded Cypriots agree on justice for all and justice is two sided .
andri_cy wrote:Well of course we cant shut ourselves off to the west. But maybe if the people who owned the land were in agreement it would be different. In the south it is illegal to sell TC land, and GC's are only "borrowing" it. The same isn't happening in the North and maybe TC's should stand up and say enough. If I have land in the north and I want to sell it, then it would be different. Right now whoever is buying doesn't know who they are buying from, if it is theirs or not and what is going on. I think it is just making this more complicated, were there to be a solution.
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