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Postby G.Man » Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:58 pm

GG wrote:Yes but there is a lot of discussion on exactly what proves you are moving to Cyprus. Its at the discretion of the individual you deal with.

Some agents are happy with a bank statement and tenancy agreement but some want to actually see documentation from your accountant to show you are a CY taxpayer. There are some individuals that for a small fee said they could get my car in tax free but I chose not to risk it.

There is no debate, I have just been through the process, I can tell you what they want to see...

Proof of residence in former state - tenancy agreement or mortgage documentation for 6 months minimum, more if you have had periods in cyprus during last 6 months..

Proof of employment or income in former eu state, 6 months bank statements will suffice, longer will nail it..

6 months insurance on vehicle in former eu state

Shiping documentation to prove shipping and arrival

V5 registration document or former states equivalent

Proof of residence in cyprus, tenancy agreement or proof of house purchase

You do not have to be a cyprus taxpayer, all your income could be paid in former country of residence and drawn thru local banks, but generally you are better off paying cyprus tax...

Proof of occupation here (if applicable), alien registration card, etc etc..

ARC can be a pain, but if you see an immigration consultant you can get that within about 2 hours...

They are hefty requirements, but fairly simple if you plan ahead..

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Postby GG » Tue Nov 21, 2006 1:06 pm

So the only proof of residence needed is proof that you own a house or are a tenant? And thats sufficient?

That sounds way to easy to get round.

For example, my Father is 52 years old, retired, and wants to take a car to leave in Cyprus for when he holidays. He has a house there, officially his main residence will be London but whats stopping him saying he is moving to Cy permanently to avoid paying the tax. He can supply all the documents you mention with the exception of employment as he is retired.
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Postby G.Man » Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:04 pm

no he needs his alien registration card as well...

which he wont have as a holiday maker

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Postby GG » Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:07 pm

Whats an alien registration card?

He has a CY passport if thst helps.?
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Postby G.Man » Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:23 pm

Well if he is a cyprus passport holder they will want some proof that he is moving his residence from the other EU country, tax registration is the usual method, which I doubt he will have unless he is drawing his pension in cyprus...

I would imagine the whole process is far more complicated for a cypriot as otherwise they could leave the country for 6 months, just to bring in a cheap car...

The import duty free rules are there for people who are GENUINELY moving to cyprus and wish to bring a pre-owned car with them...

I would imagine they will either scrutinise his application with a fine tooth comb, or sign it off very quickly, depending on how connected your father is at the customs office...

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Postby G.Man » Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:12 am

A bump for the search challenged..

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Postby Helen & David » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:16 am

This is an old thread so I don't know if anyone will reply but I am having difficulty calculating what I have to pay to bring my vehicle to Cyprus when I move there in September. I intend to transfer my place of residence and hope to settle in Cyprus permanently.

I am a disabled driver so my vehicle is very important to me. I have a 10year old Pajero 3.5ltr V6 and it has a catalytic converter with very low emissions and I would never wish to sell it. I am worried about the possible cost of importing. I have tried to calculate this but have heard horror stories about excise duty, VAT etc all of which I paid in the UK when I imported it from Japan in 2005.

Can anyone help me?
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Postby Helen & David » Sun Jul 01, 2007 1:47 am

Svetlana wrote:Hi Marinos

My guestimeate of what it will cost, assuming 4,400 cc:

4400 x £4.5 per cc = £19,800 less age related reduction of (7/9 x 85%) = £6710.

£6710 + VAT a 15% = £7716.

Plus Registration Fee: 4400 x £.6 = £2640

So, in total £10,356.

I could be a couple of hundred pounds out either way.


I have picked up on an old post here....... I have already asked this question but basically what will it cost to get my vehicle (Pajero 3.5 V6) into Cyprus. I am a disabled driver so am reluctant to change my vehicle, can anyone help?
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Postby devil » Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:20 am

You may be able to obtain exemption on some of it if you can prove that your disability requires a vehicle of this category. Check with the Ministry of Health, as well as Customs and Excise.
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Postby beverley10 » Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:25 pm

Lovely car but sell it in oz unless you are a millionaire.It's a total rip off and is actually illegal under european law for europeans!
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