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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby Mickleham » Sun Oct 15, 2006 2:04 am

All too often I come across the following reference:

Please pay attention to Mr Erdogan, Mr Gul & Talat, how they are keep referring to Cypriots!.

Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot.

Such is the propaganda of the Turkish government, that we Cypriots, fall into a trap to use the same terminology and references.

When one analyze those references the following connotations arise:

They give the impression and also legitimacy to arguments of division (between ethnicities) and also the impression that we are part of the Greek nation.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:45 am

oh...some people will be mad at you, for claiming that we are not part of the greek nation...
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Postby MARIKKOU » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:03 pm

cypezokyli wrote:oh...some people will be mad at you, for claiming that we are not part of the Greek nation...

A Cypriot nation was created in August 1960

This nation is recognised as follows:

Cypriot Flag

Recognised by all the countries of the world!

We are not a Greek or a Turkish nation or part of any other nation!
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:27 pm

dont get me wrong... i completely agree with you marikkou
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Postby Strahd » Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:23 pm

This nation is recognised as follows:

Cypriot Flag
Our constitution specifically allows the flying of either the greek or the turkish flag depending on the community that a cypriot national comes from or a specific institution
Our parliament is designed by our constitution to have specific number of seats for the Greeks and the Turks
Well you can kiss that next year you will be using the same currency as Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Germany etc.
This is plainly foolish, I have 2 passports...
Well the likes of you keep talking about sovereignity and you still accept the monkeys keeping huge parts of our land as sovereign bases...

No Mariccou we are not part of any other foreign nation for sure. However you cannot just claim that there are not two distictive ethnic communities in Cyprus. A Greek community and a Turkish community, it's all written in our August 1960 constitution. We the Greeks and the Turks of Cyprus combined make up the nation of Cyprus (at least by about 90% leaving a 10% for other ethnicities eg. armenians, maronites etc)!

Also about the nation characteristics, what will happen if you include HISTORY, LANGUAGE, CULTURE????

Nobody said that we are greek nationals in the civil/law point of view. We are Cypriot nationals... However that cannot affect or change the fact that there are more than 700000 GREEKS that currently inhabid this island and form the 80% of the Cypriot nation! Is that so difficult to grasp. In my experience I have found people that cannot understand/accept this are usually either foreigners or 2nd generation charlies...

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Postby Kifeas » Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:16 pm

This nation is recognised as follows:

Cypriot Flag
Our constitution specifically allows the flying of either the greek or the turkish flag depending on the community that a cypriot national comes from or a specific institution
Our parliament is designed by our constitution to have specific number of seats for the Greeks and the Turks
Well you can kiss that next year you will be using the same currency as Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Germany etc.
This is plainly foolish, I have 2 passports...
Well the likes of you keep talking about sovereignity and you still accept the monkeys keeping huge parts of our land as sovereign bases...

Who is this Turk that wrote all the above rubbish Turkish propaganda in red?

Listen Turkish propagandist! The RoC exists as a sovereign and independed NATION /STATE, fully recognised member of the UN, and a member of the EU. Its sovereignty extents to the entire territory of Cyprus, north and south, and you are too little to degrade it into some kind of a pseudo state. Pseudo state is only the illegal and invalid entity that you the Turks established in the occupied north, after ethnically cleansing the vast majority of its indigenous Cypriot population! As such, the RoC has it own citizenship, passports, government, parliament and all other state institutions!

All the above rubbish that you have written with red, is only pure Turkish propaganda aiming to degrade the RoC into a pseudo state, like the state you have illegally established in the north, and this is not what I say but what international law says, and what the UN, EU, CoE and all other international bodies and institutions.

Go elsewhere to do your pro-Turkish propaganda!
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Postby Strahd » Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:18 pm

Kifeas wrote:Go elsewhere to do your pro-Turkish propaganda!

Kifeas you are going to far by calling the Constitution that defines the Republic of Cyprus and the Cypriot Nation pro-Turkish propaganda! Our constitution and our nation is built upon the basis of the existance on the island of a Greek and a Turkish community. What follows is an overview of our main constitutional values with references to the constituion appendices for those who want to double check.

The Constitutional Structure

Under Article 1 of the constitution it is provided that Cyprus will be an independent and sovereign Republic with "a President who shall be Greek and a Vice-President, who shall be a Turk, elected by the Greek and Turkish communities of Cyprus respectively (Article 1).

Under the constitution the Greek Cypriot community comprises all citizens of Greek origin. This includes those whose mother tongue is Greek and those who share Greek cultural traditions or are members of the Greek Orthodox Church (Article 2 (1)). The Turkish community comprises all citizens of the Republic who are of Turkish origin, whose mother tongue is Turkish, who share Turkish cultural traditions or who are Moslems (ibid paragraph (2)).

Citizens of the Republic who did not come under the above provisions were given three months to exercise the option of becoming, for constitutional purposes, a member of the Greek or Turkish community. Under this arrangement the Armenian, the Latin and Maronite religious orders opted to belong to the Greek Community.

The 1960 constitution accorded equal status to the Greek and Turkish languages. All legislative, executive and administrative acts and documents, were to be drafted in both languages, while judicial proceedings were to be conducted and judgments drawn up in the language of the parties concerned (Art. 3 and 18C). In addition equal rights to fly the national flag of the respective mother countries (Art. 4) and celebrate the respective national holidays were granted (Art.5).

Both communities were given the right of maintaining a special relationship with Greece and Turkey, including the right to receive subsidies for educational, cultural, athletic and charitable institutions, and of obtaining and employing schoolmasters, professors or clergymen provided by the Greek or Turkish government (Art. 108).

The entrenched communal character of the constitution was confirmed by the voting systems. All elections were to be conducted on the basis of separate communal electoral lists (Art. 63 and 94) and separate voting (Art. 1, 39, 62, 86, 173, and 178). A Communal Chamber exercising legislative and administrative power on certain restricted communal subjects - such as religious affairs, educational and cultural matters, and over communal taxes and charges levied to provide for the needs of bodies and institutions under the control of the Chamber (Art. 86 to 90) was established for each community.

The establishment of separate municipalities for the Greek and Turkish inhabitants in five of the six largest towns was provided by Article 173, while in other localities special provisions were made for the constitution of municipal organs in accordance, as far as possible, with the rule of proportional representation of the communities. However, for town planning purposes the establishment of planning authority comprising seven Greek and three Turkish members was permitted. The authority΄s decisions were to be taken by an absolute majority though no decision could be taken in respect of a Greek or Turkish community without the support of at least four or two of the community΄s members of the Authority (Article 176).

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Postby Simon » Mon Oct 16, 2006 5:05 pm

Strahd I agree with you.

Kifeas, this is a pathetic argument you are making, and looks even more ridiculous when holding it up against our constitution.

Why do people seem to think that a nation cannot have two ethnic communities? That we must deny and suppress it at all costs if Cyprus is to be reunited. This is simply not the case and I refuse to do this. Cyprus is made up of Greek and Turkish Cypriots. It is simple. As I have said previously, this is not pro-Turkish nor does it advocate the division of our island. It would be very, very sad if it did. Two communities, if they have respect and trust can indeed live side-by-side as one nation. There are innumerable examples of this all over the world. Our diversity should be seen as a good thing; and our island is more culturally beautiful because of it. It does NOT need to be crushed under the weight of trying to find a solution.

Of course Cyprus is an independent, sovereign state (at least in name), and Turkish Cypriots should abandon the pseudo state in the illegally occupied north and re-join the legal, internationally recognised member of the EU, the Republic of Cyprus.
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Oct 16, 2006 7:22 pm

LOL Strahd was called a Turkish propagandist. How cute. Everyone that tries to speak the truth is now a Turkish propagandist. The world needs to watch out!
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Postby shoushoucos » Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:55 pm

andri_cy wrote:LOL Strahd was called a Turkish propagandist. How cute. Everyone that tries to speak the truth is now a Turkish propagandist. The world needs to watch out!

Dear andry_cy

Who are the people who speak the truth?

These are the people who 3 years after independence of our young nation with a new constitution secretly armed themselves and took there guns against there own government?

Wake up andry kekapu!
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