Simon wrote: 'Many' being Syria, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Iraq (before Saddam was forcibly removed) and the Taliban (former government but still fighting to resume control) of Afghanistan. Not also forgetting Al Qaeda which have links in many countries, including Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco etc. Al Qaeda has more support than what you might think amongst the locals of these countries, who shelter them. How 'many' does there need to be, to fulfil your definition of 'many'?
I read the papers, follow the news on TV, Internet news, radio talk shows, so I consider myself fairly informed on World affairs. So here in my question.
Before 9/11, I don't think I heard too much about Al Qaeda, and I would like to know how many members on this forum had. Of course there were few lines in the news here and there, specially after the 1993 bombing of one of the Twin Towers, USS Cole and the Embassies in Kenya, but not to the amount we hear today. One needs to ask questions as to why that is. Did they just wake up one morning and blew up the Twin Towers just to piss the rest of the world off. These Muslim fanatics feed of the actions from the West. I'm not saying the West deserves what has happened, but the actions of the West has fuelled the anger amongst the Muslim Radicals, because of Israel- Palestine, Saudi Arabia - Iraq- Kuwait. Why is it, that people are becoming Suicidal Killers to avenge the West. How many of us, would even think of such an action..we can't, because we're not in the shoes of these mostly normal religious people, getting angry from injustices from their own governments cosy relationship with the West, when many Muslims are suppressed by the West through their own governments.
If I can speaks for People all around the World for a minute, I would say, that they like "fair play" in treating their fellow Human Beings. When this is no longer the case, people will fight to preserve that "fair play" even if it means killing others, which ever way they can. So, the reason why we hear so much of Al Qaeda and the support it is receiving from the Muslims, is because they are forced to stop the "unfair play" that has been imposed on them by the West.
Invasion of Iraq, had to be the West's biggest blunder in the history of Warfare. This was a dream come true for Al Qaeda. What the US and UK and the other 30 nations that formed the "Coalition of the Bribed" did, was to add life to an organization that very few people heard of before the Iraq war. If you're going to accuse some Muslims for supporting Al Qaeda, then you must also accuse some Christians who supported the "Coalition" that went to war in Iraq, that has ignited the whole "Bloody Terrorism" around the world. You must also need to point the finger of blame to your government officials, who caused this huge Blunder. You can blame the Muslims for their support for "terror", but you must also blame Christians for supporting in "igniting terror".