Sotos wrote:Why do you think it is impossible for Turkey to brake up like Yugoslavia did? Kurds want a free Kurdistan don't they?
Cypezokyli, you seriously need to wake up if you believe an independent Kurdistan is not a possibility. Turkey itself is worried about this and indeed this is why they have had several meetings with the Americans and the Iraqi Prime Minister about this very situation.
Nothing is impossible!
When our American allies finished the job an Afghanistan and Iraq...who knows ?
Perhaps the break up of Turkey will be a reality!
The Allies are not very happy with Turkey, the EU think Turkey is too big and does not mould into the EU values, The Kurdish people are seeking to be liberated from the occupier (Turkey), so the chances are that it is only a matter of time before it is curved up.
Simon wrote:simon:
Cypezokyli, you seriously need to wake up if you believe an independent Kurdistan is not a possibility. Turkey itself is worried about this and indeed this is why they have had several meetings with the Americans and the Iraqi Prime Minister about this very situation.
first of all my comments was on what mickleham wrote.
he didnot speak about an independant kourdistan , but what he wrote was a sequence of stupidities that it makes me tired even to count them.
now lets go to the independant kurdistan.
could you tell us under what conditions countries break up ?
and do you think these conditions apply to turkey ?
i mean since you came to that conclusion, could you enlighten us a bit ?
Countries can break up for all kinds of reasons and in many different conditions. What do you want, for me to write you an essay? One thing is for sure, a large number of Kurds have been persecuted in Turkey for a long time; and if 12 million people in a concentrated area (namely eastern Turkey) decide enough is enough, anything is possible. Further, the break up of Iraq seems a possibility more and more, with the civil war raging there, and if Kurdistan becomes an independent entity, are you seriously telling me they are not going to attempt unification with the Kurds of Turkey?
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