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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:00 am

so, was the other 99% TCs mistreating GCs?

Kartal here is one of the posts I made some time ago:

Piratis wrote:First of all I have to make something very clear:

I believe that we should leave the past behind, we should forgive each other, stop all illegalities and move ahead with a united democratic country without racist discriminations and with respect to the human rights of all Cypriots.

Unfortunately I notice that there some people that insist on using a tiny and selective part of the past as an excuse for the continuation of illegalities and their demand for a "solution" that will be based on racist discrimination of people based on their ethnic background (which is something that exists in no democratic country in the world)

To those people Greek Cypriots deserved the violations of their human rights for the last 32 years and they deserve to be convicted for eternal violation of their human rights in a country that discriminates against them because of their race.

The fact is however that Turks in Cyprus have committed 100 times more crimes against Greek Cypriots than the other way around.

Greek Cypriots have been the majority on the island of Cyprus for 3000+ years. Their interaction with Turks starts in the 15th century, were the Turks attacked our island. This also answers the question "Who started it" for anybody that thinks that this is important:

Throughout the period of Venetian rule, Ottoman Turks raided and attacked at will. In 1489, the first year of Venetian control, Turks attacked the Karpas Peninsula, pillaging and taking captives to be sold into slavery. In 1539 the Turkish fleet attacked and destroyed Limassol. Fearing the ever-expanding Ottoman Empire, the Venetians had fortified Famagusta, Nicosia, and Kyrenia, but most other cities were easy prey.

In the summer of 1570, the Turks struck again, but this time with a full-scale invasion rather than a raid. About 60,000 troops, including cavalry and artillery, under the command of Lala Mustafa Pasha landed unopposed near Limassol on July 2, 1570, and laid siege to Nicosia. In an orgy of victory on the day that the city fell--September 9, 1570--20,000 Nicosians were put to death, and every church, public building, and palace was looted. Word of the massacre spread, and a few days later Mustafa took Kyrenia without having to fire a shot. Famagusta, however, resisted and put up a heroic defense that lasted from September 1570 until August 1571.

So now it is clear how the interaction of Turks with Greek Cypriots started in Cyprus, and the question "Who started it" is answered as well.

What followed were 300 years of Ottoman rule in Cyprus. During these 3 centuries Greek Cypriots were oppressed second category citizens. They had to pay multiple times the taxes of muslims and their testimony in courts was not accepted. Whenever they tried to revolt against their oppressors they were slaughtered.

So here we have a period were Turks were oppressing and killing Greeks in Cyprus. The result of this period was 300 years of oppression against GCs and 10s of thousands of Greek Cypriots dead.

The next "round" of conflict between the two communities was at the end of the British rule in Cyprus, and then from 63 to 68. During this period extremists from both sides were committing crimes and atrocities.

This is the only period that TCs remember, but even here they remember only their own casualties and not the crimes that they had committed against GCs.

So this is a period were both sides had about an equal number of casualties, some 100s for each side.

Then in 1974 the illegal coupists overthrow our president and Turkey found the excuse to invade Cyprus. No TC was killed by the coupists before the invasion had started, but only after.
The result of the coup/invasion was 6000 GCs dead and 200.000 GCs ethnically cleansed. On the other side the TCs had only a couple of 100s of victims.

The next period is the 32 years of illegal occupation and insistence from Turkey to violate international law and human rights. This continues until today.

1) The Turks "started it" in the 15th century
2) The Turks have committed much much more crimes against Greek Cypriots.
3) The Turks insist on their crimes today
4) Greek Cypriots have committed crimes as well, but only a tiny fraction of the crimes that the Turks have committed.

Still, Greek Cypriots are more than willing to put all these behind as long as we are not provoked by people that remember only the 1% of history that suits that in order to prove that Greek Cypriots are the evil people that deserve even more crimes against them.

Therefore I ask from people on this forum to either:

1) Leave the past behind. Do not try to excuse crimes and illegalities in 2006 with events that happened in the past. Concentrate on how we can find a solution that will respect all Cypriots equally without racist discriminations and human right violations.

Or, if doing (1) is impossible for you then at least:

2) If you believe that the past should be used to determine who is the "good" and who is the "bad" one and that this should be the basis of solving the Cyprus problem (instead of democracy, human rights and legality, that I propose) then at least use the whole history and not the tiny bits that suit you.
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:08 am

we didn't attack 'YOUR' island in that sense...we attacked the venetians island...

EVERY peasant paid high taxes...the nobles were the ones that paid less, not ALL tc's...

you will find that the coupists DID kill tc's before the invasion, for example my great uncle and his son...

and believe it or not, WE fought together against the ottomans...

The heavy taxes and the abuses against the population on the part of the Ottoman rulers in the early years after the Ottoman conquest gave rise to opposition, following which the Sultan ordered the Governor (the "Kadi") and the Treasurer to govern with justice. While the Sultan's orders indicated his goodwill towards the local population, the local administration proved indifferent, arbitrary and often corrupt, along with imposing a heavy burden of taxes. The inhabitants of Cyprus, disappointed at the mismanagement of Ottoman governors, soon turned to Western Europe in search for help for liberation.

Between 1572 and 1668 AD about 28 bloody uprisings took place on the island and in many of these both Greeks and Turk peasants took part. But all of them ended in failure.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:52 am

Piratis wrote:
*****I Don't Like History, Because There's No Future In It.******

I think some of you need to do some "frog leaping jump" from the past, into the present, then to the future.

Lets leave the dead from the past, to rest in peace.!!

I could not agree more!

However when some people are using the 1% of the past trying to blame GCs and excuse illegalities of today, shouldn't I remind them of the rest 99% they seem to forget?

So trying to follow your logic Piratis does that mean that due to the past actions of the OTTOMANS 1963 to 1974 was warranted like a pay back on TCs?, this would mean logically speaking 1974 to 2006 is a payback for 1963 to 1974? this is getting real confusing, so if we attempt to reunited there could be another payback?????? on the TCs? is that what you are saying Piratis? one wrong after another.

The bottom line imo is that the only and best chance we had to build a united Cyprus even though you were not happy with the agreement was 1960. The facts indicate that both sides pursued and fuelled other agendas which has brought us to where we are today. The past 32 years have been the most peaceful in our history and I am very glad that it is a period when I am in existence.

What we do from now on is again really down to how people lives will be effected I cannot make you do anything and you cannot make me, so if we want to reconcile and unite both sides have to generate logical solutions if we dont and continue with the same crap both sides have been producing for the last 32 years it will continue to get us absoulutely nowhere which is what we all deserve.
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Postby zan » Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:31 am

Piratis wrote:
oh i didnt realise we were going back to that post...ok, so what happend was once makarios suggested changes to the RoC constitution that cancelled the parts that were there to protect the TC's, intercommunal fighting broke out...BUT it was because Archbishop Makarios was the head of the enosis ofcourse the TC's are not going to let the head of the enosis campaign remove parts of the constitution which protected in a way, yes, it was the EOKA B that cited the fighting....

1) Makarios had proposed changes, he didn't enforce them. In fact those changes were never implemented and they remain unchanged until today.

2) Don't confuse Makarios with EOKA B. EOKA B was the opposite of Makarios and they in fact tried to kill him.

3) You said that Makarios tried to cancel the parts that protected the TCs. This is not the case. Makarios proposed changes that would remove unfair parameters. For example that the 18% of TCs should have 30% of governmental jobs. This means that a TC would have twice as much chances of becoming a governmental employee than a GC. In a country that almost everybody wants to become an employee in the government do you find that parameter fair? And how would changing that 30% to 18% (make it proportional) would harm the TCs?

O.F.: And is it true that you deprived them of many constitutional privileges, Beatitude? M.: I deprived them of nothing. I simply complained about those privileges because they only served to hamper the functioning of the state. The Constitution provides that they be represented in the government at the ratio of thirty percent. And very often the Turkish Cypriots didn't have people capable of filling that thirty percent. There was, for example, a post that I could have been filled by an intelligent Greek and it had to be given to an illiterate Turk just because he was a Turk. Once they voted against taxes. I tried to explain to them that a state can't survive if the citizens don't pay taxes, and they refused anyway. So I forced them to pay all the same. Was that an abuse? Another time, when I was about to go to Belgrade for the conference of nonaligned countries, Mr. Denktash tried to stop me from going by exercising his veto power. I told him, "Exercise it all you like. I'm going just the same." Was that an abuse?' ... allaci.htm

His arrogance started all the troubles. Stop trying to cover up the whole thing with tales of three thousand years ago. EOKA, ENOSIS and the Hellenic dream was the real factor.
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Postby zan » Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:39 am

Piratis said;

Then in 1974 the illegal coupists overthrow our president and Turkey found the excuse to invade Cyprus. No TC was killed by the coupists before the invasion had started, but only after.

"A few days ago 1,000 people lived here in the village of Skylloura. Then in a night of terror 350 men, women and children vanished. They were all Turks. ... In the neighbouring village of Ayios Vassilios, a mile away, I counted 16 wrecked and burned homes, they were all Turkish. From this village more than 100 Turks also vanished; in neither village did I find a scrap of damage to any Greek house. (Peter Moorehead, Daily Herald, 1.1.1964)

No wonder you want us to forget the past :cry:
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Fri Oct 20, 2006 9:57 am

piratis, Makarious WOULD have enforced the changes, should the Turkish Cypriot cabinet members not have withdrawn from parliament. It's just that once they did withdraw, there was no need for him to do anything. He isn't stupid, you can see that something is happening so there is no need to act on it. And actually, Makarios supported enosis, same as EOKA B...EOKA B, however did not like Makarios' pro-communist ways...They wanted a military mind at the top therefore they overthrew him as President and self-appointed Nikos Giorgiades Sampson as their 'President'...but never forget, Makarios ALWAYS supported enosis...

Viewpoint, piratis never said that it was payback...I believe he also condemns any conflict that had happened during this period...Its just that he says we must not forget that TCs have done worse to them...The important thing here is that we can't look back to the middle ages to justify what we do today...there was no such thing as human rights, no international law, and people ALL OVER THE WORLD were generally being treated like animals...It was a bad time all over the would expect better sense in the late 20th century...
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Oct 20, 2006 10:27 am

Piratis wrote:
Trust me Piratis, there's plenty of blame to go around since 1960.

Anything before 1960, just adds more excuses & justification to what has happened since 1960.

Oh I see. So you want to go to the past, only you want to go as far as it is needed to blame the GCs for the Turkish crimes that continue until today.

Therefore according to Kikapu: Everything that happened before that time that suits the Turkish propaganda should be forgottern. Everything that happened after the time that suits the Turkish propaganda is excused.

Therefore blame the GCs and forget the crimes of the Turks.


I thought I was writing in "plain" English that it would be understood by everyone. I'll try to make it simpler as to be understood easier.

I said that there were plenty of blame to go around as to what has happened since 1960. This includes both the Greek & Turkish Cypriots.

I'm not chronologically placing order of blame as not to point the finger as to who started what and when. Just take it at face value that both sides are at fault as to what has happened since 1960.

So when I said, lets not go back in History beyond 1960, Piratis automatically accepts all the blame on behalf of all Greek Cypriots to what has happened to the Turkish Cypriots since 1960, and the only way this blame can be "excused or discarded" is, if we include what has happened from 1571 until 1960 to the Greek Cypriots by the "Ottoman Turks".

So Piratis, please "read my lips", that there's plenty of blame to go around by the TC's and GC's since 1960 as to why and how we got here today.

Don't you think.??
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:32 pm

zan wrote:

"A few days ago 1,000 people lived here in the village of Skylloura. Then in a night of terror 350 men, women and children vanished. They were all Turks. ... In the neighbouring village of Ayios Vassilios, a mile away, I counted 16 wrecked and burned homes, they were all Turkish. From this village more than 100 Turks also vanished; in neither village did I find a scrap of damage to any Greek house. (Peter Moorehead, Daily Herald, 1.1.1964)

No wonder you want us to forget the past :cry:

Zan with all due respect, I can find 500 quotes that speak about GC women being raped, GC men being killed and Cg houses being burnt down. I think EVERYONE shouldn't per Se forget the past, but forgive it so we can move forward. It seems that there aren't many people willing to do that on either side, which is very very sad. We all suffered, we all lost, but if we continue living in the past, we have no future.
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Postby zan » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:00 pm

andri_cy wrote:
zan wrote:

"A few days ago 1,000 people lived here in the village of Skylloura. Then in a night of terror 350 men, women and children vanished. They were all Turks. ... In the neighbouring village of Ayios Vassilios, a mile away, I counted 16 wrecked and burned homes, they were all Turkish. From this village more than 100 Turks also vanished; in neither village did I find a scrap of damage to any Greek house. (Peter Moorehead, Daily Herald, 1.1.1964)

No wonder you want us to forget the past :cry:

Zan with all due respect, I can find 500 quotes that speak about GC women being raped, GC men being killed and Cg houses being burnt down. I think EVERYONE shouldn't per Se forget the past, but forgive it so we can move forward. It seems that there aren't many people willing to do that on either side, which is very very sad. We all suffered, we all lost, but if we continue living in the past, we have no future.


I have to apologise to people like your self for my posts but they are not meant for you but for people like .......well.......dare I mention his name......if you say it three times in succession he comes back to life.
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:07 pm

I guess it is easy to get dragged into futile conversations :D
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