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world war 3...?

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world war 3...?

Postby paul » Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:47 pm

Is it just me or is there something major to worry about at the moment with the north Koreans allegedly testing nukes....! then the fact that the good old u.s of a are getting involved is a bigger worry with there track record,in the old book of nosferatu's[excuse the spelling] to warns us to beware of the yellow man & that was predicted some time ago :?:
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:42 pm

Why it will be a world war? Let them nuke each other if they want :p
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Postby callmered » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:50 pm

a nuke competition 4 sure but not war
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Postby rawk » Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:56 pm


I know I'm a suspicious git.....but I wonder if that fart in a cave in N. Korea really was nuclear.

From a country where residents eat grass when American welfare relief grain doesn't come through, digging a 100 metre wide cavern and filling it up with a 1000 tons of TNT (1 kiloton) to let off, claiming your first nuclear explosion is no big deal! Funny how they only told their big buddies in China about it 20 minutes before hand? No time to get any independant testing equipment on line to verify compression shockwaves?

Having said that, if it is found out to be a hoax, the US may decide to intervene to prevent the real thing!

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Postby Marz » Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:34 am

dont really care, their bombs wont reach melbourne or Europe.
The only ones crying about this is the countrys that already have nuclear weapons and are in N.koreas range.
If theirs a war well too bad we all die, it might be better that we do.
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Postby dinos » Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:36 pm

Marz wrote:dont really care, their bombs wont reach melbourne or Europe.

They will be able to reach Europe if sold to Iran...and if placed on submarines, then they can be maneuvered into place to hit Australia too. NK has been working on a submarine-based system for some time. I do not believe (although could be wrong) that a submarine tracking system exists in the Pacific. Just 'cause they can't do it now, doesn't mean they won't be able to in a year.
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Postby twinkle » Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:06 pm

every country should be allowed to develop all industries.....even wacko countries like iran. what gives the US the right to dictate who can develop nuclear power and who can't when a country like the us or the uk has no real idea why they are fighting a war in iraq??

what's the difference between wack job Bush and wack job Ahmadinejad??? Bush has a better fitting suit. They are both clearly deranged though!!!!
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Postby dinos » Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:13 pm

twinkle wrote:every country should be allowed to develop all industries.....even wacko countries like iran. what gives the US the right to dictate who can develop nuclear power and who can't when a country like the us or the uk has no real idea why they are fighting a war in iraq??

what's the difference between wack job Bush and wack job Ahmadinejad??? Bush has a better fitting suit. They are both clearly deranged though!!!!

Let's clarify this a touch. In a round-about way, you are saying that it's OK to be threatned with a nuclear bomb by Iran, because you don't like Bush. Fact is, Bush isn't threatening Europe with nuclear weapons. If Iran gets them, well, the jury's still out on what would happen.

I personally don't care for Bush either. But allowing Ahmadinejad to obtain nukes doesn't do anybody any good, in my opinion. I guess it's a moot point anyway, as it's now bound to happen regardless of what anyone says or opines.
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Postby Marz » Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:10 am

Basically the ones who are strongly against others devloping nukes are the ones who have already used them against others.
the point is N.Korea want s them not to launch them just for the hell of it or for fun, but to be prepared against other dictators like Bush.
and in the end neither will be willing to launch a nuke, they know too well what will happen and that would be the absolute laast resort for anyone.
Just because N.korea threatons to do it doesnt mean they will, ever heard of all talk and no action, yeah it scares you but doesnt mean it will happen.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:05 am

Marz , wake up to realities , thousands of N.Koreans are dying of starvation every year because of the policies of their fanatical dictators and you dare call a democratically elected leader a dictator. You are just another misguided individual who knows absolutely nothing of world affairs and makes idiotic statements just for the fun of it.
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