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world war 3...?

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Postby dinos » Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:38 pm

I agree that Iran, for example, is entitled to develop nuclear power for energy purposes.

When the picture turns to nuclear weapons, I also have no problem with that as long as we're talking about measured governments. South Korea and Japan have rights to nuclear weapons too, eh? And that will be recognized, and both of those countries will probably be armed by the US. The arms race that will now ensue will only further harm NK who does not have the economy necessary to compete in this arena. Like Miltiades said, North Korea is in pretty sad shape with a lousy economy, starvation, etc. This will only lead to more starvation for more North Koreans.

As far as "all talk and no action" goes, NK has repeatedly lied and cheated in the process that has led us to this point. They have turned down food for their people in order to obtain nuclear weapons. So it's hard to predict what a lunatic like Kim Jong Il would do given the worsening humanitarian situation he is subjecting his country to.

Any responsible leader hopes for the best, but plans for the worst. It's amusing that there are people out there who only want to plan for the best and hope that the worst doesn't happen. You see folks like this in the professional world and wonder how they are still employed. But this is the first time I've ever heard someone say they don't care if they get nuked. A fascinating way to poke a finger in Bush's eye!

<Quick edit - yep - Bush buggered Iraq up for the same reason I mention above. Planned for the best, and disregarded any mention of more realistic scenarios. This should be avoided, regardless.>
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Postby rawk » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:56 pm


The US monitors haven't picked up any radiation signature from this test yet.

Oh and by the way, this playboy monkey in his Stalinist grass eating population has threatened to offer his nukes to all sorts of looney tune terrorist groups.

Nuclear weapon fallout doesn't respect borders.

Global warming plus radioactive contamination?

The tinder box that is the Middle East is 60 miles away, the Cyprus land issue may became a secondary issue to all you jolly posters when the queues at Larnaca and Pathos airports start to get nasty when the wind blows in from the wrong direction and Geiger counters start to click a bit.

Read this! ... mayose.pdf

And once one has been detonated, the precedent has been set.

Who else will decide its time to settle old scores? A country to your east who may feel it has nothing to loose in sorting out its Arab neighbours!

Welcome to hell!

Perhaps time for a rethink on the North Korean nuclear issue?

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Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:11 am

The West is facing a potential disaster unless action is taken to eradicate the sworn enemies of our way of life. Unfortunately there is no western leader today that is charismatic enough to win its people over . As far as Cyprus is concerned it saddens me that public opinion has favoured traditionally and erroneously the tinpot little dictators , Castro for one , and the Iranian Mullahs for another as well as no doubt the tyrannical fanatics of North Korea. What the Cypriot public opinion tends to support is any enemy of the US , I'm glad that I'm not a lone voice but have the support of many of my countrymen in supporting our western way of life and contrary to what appears as a hostile US approach to the Cyprus problem ( in fact the US is looking after its interests and the sooner we realize that and accept it the better for our nation's future ) when in fact the US wants nothing more than a just solution of our problem.

As far as Iran and its' ambitions to become a nuclear nation , a scenario I dread to think of the consequences ,
the West is committed to reject an Iranian theocratic leadership in a position to threatened the very existence of civilization. Any one who thinks that the West and Israel will stand by and allow Iran to continue with its nuclear programme is indeed living in a fools paradise.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:48 am

where did you listen or read that cyprus supports north korea ? !!!
there is also critisism against the castro regime (but people still admire Che... if you are in a position to see the difference)
did you ever think why people came to this opinion about the US ? is there a minor possibility that it has something to do with the history of the cyppro ? ...perhaps?
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Postby paul » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:04 am

well i started something now,but at least some of you have genuin worries over the whole nuke issue.
just like what was said by rawk fallout respects no religion no borders no one... the worlds climate is in decline now all we need is an accelarated hand from the small mad man with bad hair.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:18 pm

cyperzokily , you know as well as I do that our young people are continually indoctrinated by society at large and encouraged to actively be anti American . the youngsters grow up and reach maturity , just as you did , and are blinded by their preconceived notions of the West , more so of America , a nation that we demand from , that their support of Turkey diminishes in favour of our cause , while at the same time we openly support those nations that are anti American .You have previously excused the suicide murderers of Iraq , blaming America for driving them to commit such barbarities as are currently committed in Iraq. You have also expressed a number of views that are generally associated with leftists and Western world haters.

As far the formulation of the anti American feelings in Cyprus being justified in view of the current problems , why is it then that the major player responsible for the Cyprus catastrophe is revered .
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Postby PaulUK » Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:52 pm

I dont think the yanks are prepared to get stuck up to there eyes again in Korea! Last time they fooked up lol thinking about it they are not very good at winning wars.(that said they they start them better than anyone)
That being said why dont they threaten China i wonder???? lol
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Postby cypezokyli » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:17 pm

according to this article (in greek) , the newspapers "independent" and "the guardian" are claiming that nuclear reactors ware sold to NK, six years ago from a company belonging to the minister of defence of the USA , donald ramsfeld.

anyone surprised ?,id=93269364
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Postby PaulUK » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:35 pm

Rumsfield is a rat and no im not surprised lol good find my friend :wink:
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Postby PaulUK » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:40 pm

miltiades wrote:cyperzokily , you know as well as I do that our young people are continually indoctrinated by society at large and encouraged to actively be anti American . the youngsters grow up and reach maturity , just as you did , and are blinded by their preconceived notions of the West , more so of America , a nation that we demand from , that their support of Turkey diminishes in favour of our cause , while at the same time we openly support those nations that are anti American .You have previously excused the suicide murderers of Iraq , blaming America for driving them to commit such barbarities as are currently committed in Iraq. You have also expressed a number of views that are generally associated with leftists and Western world haters.

As far the formulation of the anti American feelings in Cyprus being justified in view of the current problems , why is it then that the major player responsible for the Cyprus catastrophe is revered .

America and the Brits screwd you big time!! You have the best listening post in the MED!! If you had had OIL you would be safe!
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