by nhowarth » Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:49 pm
There are many 'property-middlemen' acting as estate agents - many of them retired British expatriates who prey on the fears of their fellow countrymen and then proceed to rip them off. The Estate Agents law, which was introduced back in 2004, has proved totally ineffective.
Professional Estate Agents are licenced by the CREAA.
As for property developers, the profession is completely unregulated; it's a joke! In a case reported last year, a 'property developer' turned out to be a barman at an army camp! (Needless to say, buyers lost their money when he went bust).
The property business is Cyprus' national sport - there are many individuals and companies playing the game with varying degrees of skill, professionalism, and integrity.
Make sure you do your homework and take independent legal advice before you even think about buying property here.