Piratis wrote:I don't know who is acting more illegal, the North or the South. You can at least excuse the North by being "illegitimate", but what excuses can you give to the South. So much for the "European Values" pushed so much by some of the members on this Forum. Yep, corruption from Top to Bottom seems to be the norm, in the "legitimate" South.!!
Kikapu, there is a difference between a country having some individuals that are crooks, and the state being the crooks themselves and not just steal some money but violate the human rights of 100s of thousands of people. This is the case with Turkey. I hope you understand the difference.
Crooks exist in every country and different countries have different rates of success in managing such crooks. RoC is definitely not the most effective state when it comes to managing such crooks, but we are definitely not the worst either.
Well, I wasn't talking about Turkey, but thanks for bringing it up anyway.!!
But really, if the ROC cannot enforce it's laws on 650,000 people on 2/3 rds of the island, how on earth will they manage, if we ever United. Yes there are crooks everywhere, but come on, in Cyprus it should be easy to identify and prosecute the guilty ones on a daily basis, until illegal activities stops and stop corruption once and for all.
Now that I have you here, this was on my mind today, so this will be a good time to ask you. All along you and others, have accused those buying Greek land in the North as criminals. The way most have read the UK judgment on the Orams case, including Kifeas, the land still belongs to Apostolides, so in actual fact, his land has not been sold off. The Orams may have paid money to some one for it, but they do not own it, so where is the crime.?
It's true, the Orams have built a home on it, but since they are "physically" not displacing the Apostolides, or preventing him from coming to his land, rather it is the political situation that is preventing the Apostolides from returning, so I'll ask the question again, where is the crime by purchasing the Greek land, when the Orams do not own Mr. Apostolides land.
If and when, Mr. Apostolides and his family can return to his land, he will have the option to sell it to the Orams, or for the Orams sell their house to the Apostolides, or knock it down and leave with nothing. If there has to be any monies to be paid to Apostolides for the use of his land for the past 32 years and what ever future years will be, should be paid by Turkey, if she is found liable.
I think this example should apply to all those who thought that, they have bought Greek Property and built on it. They have paid for the land, but they do not own it, so therefore, no Greek land has been illegally sold or bought, which means there has been no crime committed, so perhaps people should back off the "criminal land buyers" accusations.