Very good prices are for quick sale.
If you interested in buying something or you have any questions, please PM me.
Satellite reciever Topfield 5000 PVR
Description: Topfield 5000 PVR
Recording feature.
HDD 160 Gb.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 150 CYP (brand new price with 80 Gb HDD is 390 CYP).
Bought in Electrolux shop one year ago.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 150 CYP (brand new price is 380 CYP).
Vacuum cleaner Electrolux 1600 Watts
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 40 CYP (brand new price is 210 CYP).
Armchair-transformer for TV
Bought in Titan shop one year ago.
Great thing. High quality.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 80 CYP (brand new price is 240 CYP).
2 curbstones and locker
Bought in Titan shop one year ago.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 80 CYP (brand new price is 310 CYP).
High quality chair
Bought in Titan shop one year ago.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 90 CYP (brand new price is 290 CYP).
Computer table
Bought half year ago.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 40 CYP (brand new price is 180 CYP).
Furniture for TV set or Plasma
Bought in Electroline shop half year ago.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 50 CYP (brand new price is 170 CYP).
Professional treadmill
Perfect condition. Used for 20-30 times.
Picture (click small picture to see full size picture:

Price 350 CYP (brand new price is 1070 CYP).
Also we have beautiful christmas tree (2m) with toys (50 CYP), dining table for baby, thing for jumping and thing for running for baby, car chair for baby.