i posted these articles (especially the ones from phileleftheros...bc politis is pad from britishamericans.....just like tpap

) with the hope that someone would read them , and not repeat what the politicians said
the articles are not dealing with the "price" or "betrayal" , but they critisize the situation as a matter of principle.
well obviously in cyprus, "principles" are of secodary importance...
Isn't that amount too low? Papadopoulos is a millionaire he wouldn't care for 50K.
christofias answer reloaded....
i know, that he is right. i read through marxs "das kapital" yesterday and he said on page 435 "it is inevitably that multinational companies will make the revolution and will stop being driven by pure self-interest , but instead will care for the benefit of the people".
in that respect christofias is "in the partys line"
So what did Papadopolos gave to them in return for that money?
i do not know.
all i know is that he received these money.
as a profesional sonpiracy theorist ,cant you think a step further and pose the obvious question ?
in other countries, people resign for things like that....
even in israel....
What is for sure is that he didn't betray his country like those others did.
but just like in israel people who make lists like these :
its a pity that we have only the second group of people in cyprus
if you are sure, that "others" betrayed their country , take them to court. you have my full support.