Henri Slawinski wrote:A few questions; Does any one know what speed Cytanetforall runs
Do you need 1 or 2 lines for ISDN AND WHAT COST if you want a normal tel liine also?
And is broad band plus a normal tel line run on one single line?
And can you subscribe to dial up, ISDN OR BROAD BAND FOR LESS THAN A YEAR ie 1,3 or 6 mths?
Hi Henri and welcome to the forums. I do not really know about the situation in South Cyprus but some of your question as 'generic' so I will answer those and leave the specific ones to others.
ISDN can be run on one phone line giving 64kbs or two in conjunction giving 128kbs. In fact it can be run on multiple of these (like ISDN 30 in the uk) but I am not sure if this kind of service is available in Cyprus. The phone lines used for ISDN can also be used for normal phone lines but not at the same times as suing them for data. If you have a ISDN 2 line service you can use one linbe for data and one for phone calls and then go back to using both for data when you phone call is finished. Normally you paty a line rental for the number of lines you have. One ISDN line on line rental. 2 ISDN lines two line rentals. 30 ISDN lines 30 line rentals.
ADSL service only require a single phone line and you can use it for phone calls at the same times as for data without any reduction in data rate.