cankertoo there has been some helpful tips on here especially from kikapu...i will add a few of my own,but i havnt written a book, nor am i a sexual predator but these are personal observations...
this is an anecdote not an idea = a young bull is standing with an old bull looking at a field of cows. The young bull says " lets rush into that field and f***k a cow" the old bull says "no lets walk in and F**k them all.
patience patience patience ...its not a race.
Take the point of view " there is no such thing as an ugly woman" all women are beautiful, some have inner beauty like personality and intelligence others have outer beauty like looks, but you will soon discover that good looking women are not everything.
conversation : use the surroundings or the situation to pass a comment..it does not have to be about her, just something to mention that gets the ball rolling...most people tend to meet others at work or through work. its not a "go there to meet someone situation" so people are a little more relaxed about talking.
Humour is the most important thing ...the ability to make a woman laugh is probably the most important item.. make them laugh - do not laugh at them..be natural... when a woman laughs she feels more at ease, comfortable, and she will enjoy your company.
you may be interested in one woman, but try to talk to many, it will give you more confidence.
and finally be a gentleman.....hold open doors, pull out chairs, be attentive, sympathise and show respect.
Thats it...many will not agree but im speaking as i have found in life, and it has worked for me and im twice your age and once upon a time i too was painfully shy.