Hi Cankertoo! I understand what you mean about having the 'shy bug', I suffer from it too sometimes, although I'm guessing it's slightly harder for a man, especially in Cyprus, where the men tend to be quite confident....
I guess the conventional way to approach a lady, is by walking up to her, politely introducing yourself, and perhaps offering to buy her a drink, or you could do it the other way around, you could instead offer to buy her a drink first and then if she says yes, introduce yourself. The important thing, if your going to do that, is not to come on too strong, just act friendly, and try and be yourself, you never know you might strike up a good conversation, and find out you have loads in common. Another way is maybe perhaps if one of your friends knows someone you like the look of, you could ask him/her to introduce you to her, that way the girl might feel slightly more comfortable...Or perhaps you could subtly join in a conversation the girl you like might be having with her friend/friends...There was this one time, for example, when I was at an annual football/Souvlaki thing that the GC community in B'ham does every year. I was standing next to this guy that I hadn't really talked to before, and my friends and I were just chatting and joking around. Anyway, I said something and he sort of managed to join in the conversation by cracking a bit of a joke about what we were talking about. He did it in such a subtle way, we didn't even realize... He ended up joining our group and we spoke to him for quite a while after that.....
I guess the best thing is to just be yourself, try not to pretend to be someone your not. I mean you never know, you might meet someone who quite likes shy guys. For example, I never really go for the load guys, I'm drawn more to the quitter ones, the one's that are a bit shy, I feel more comfortable with them..and don't worry, if you truly find someone your compatible with, you'll soon loosen up and the conversation will just flow....Oh and when you go out, don't think '
I'm going out tonight, and I need to find someone', or
'I'm going out tonight for the sole purpose of finding someone' because that will just put pressure on you and make it ten times harder, just think
'I'm going out tonight to have a good time whether I meet someone or not', that way, if you don't find anyone you won't feel that disappointed, and if you do, well fantastic! Plus the fact that you haven't found anyone won't end up ruining your night, and bringing down your self-esteem. You'll be more relaxed, and you'll probably find it easier to talk to someone. Besides, things tend to happen when you least expect them to!;)
And maybe it i
s a good idea to join a group of some sort, whether it be a dancing group, or even a book club or something. That way you might meet someone and you can start a new hobby! Double bonus!
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck!! And remember, just go out, have a good time, and try and be yourself!
Oh and one last thing. Perhaps you should aim to become friends with a girl first. Then you can get to know each other as friends and if you both start to have feelings for each other, you can take it to the next level, and if you don't want to become more than friends, well you've made yourself a good friend, who'll probably have plenty of girlfriends she could introduce you to! Double bonus again! (Although, as others have said, don't just use a girl so you can get to her friend...trust me, that's not the best way to start a budding relationship


Good luck!