ecpersonals wrote:Kikapu: What part of what i said was a lie? Maybe he does have friends waiting at another table. The FIRST thing a woman thinks when approached buy a strange man in a pub is how to get rid of him. (If he didn't captivate her interest immediatly). Just set her mind at ease.
But NEVER EVER buy a drink for a girl you don't know. EVER. THIS IS THE BEST advice i can give you. She can get free drinks from ANY guy in the pub whenever she wants, don't do it.
The fat girl won't feel bad if she knows you are not attracted to her, you want to befriend the fat girl not flirt with her.
That said, i am a real Pussi anyway and get approach anxiety just like most guys, but most times they approach me and i take it from there.
you make me sick, ecpersonals. "The fat girl won't feel bad if she knows you are not attracted to her, you want to befriend the fat girl not flirt with her."????? the "fat girl" has feelings too, and every woman wants to feel attractive. the "fat girl" is being used, and she knows it, and what you are doing is adding to her low self esteem.
i think i am going to throw up now.