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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:47 pm

ecpersonals wrote:Kikapu: What part of what i said was a lie? Maybe he does have friends waiting at another table. The FIRST thing a woman thinks when approached buy a strange man in a pub is how to get rid of him. (If he didn't captivate her interest immediatly). Just set her mind at ease.

But NEVER EVER buy a drink for a girl you don't know. EVER. THIS IS THE BEST advice i can give you. She can get free drinks from ANY guy in the pub whenever she wants, don't do it. :-)

The fat girl won't feel bad if she knows you are not attracted to her, you want to befriend the fat girl not flirt with her.

That said, i am a real Pussi anyway and get approach anxiety just like most guys, but most times they approach me and i take it from there.

you make me sick, ecpersonals. "The fat girl won't feel bad if she knows you are not attracted to her, you want to befriend the fat girl not flirt with her."????? the "fat girl" has feelings too, and every woman wants to feel attractive. the "fat girl" is being used, and she knows it, and what you are doing is adding to her low self esteem.
i think i am going to throw up now.
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Postby andri_cy » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:09 pm

I agree with GG. I don't think using the "fat ugly girl" to meet her friend is going to help your situation any. Everyone has tried that and the "fat ugly girl" knows it and so does her friend. To go around giving such advice is ridiculous. All I have to say is this: be natural, smile, talk about anything but going out or to bed right away and the one will find you and you will find her. Don't sound so desperate either. You are 28 not 88. You still have time. If I can give ANY advice on this, it would be don't use anyone or lie to anyone to get with someone else, because I believe it will hurt your cause in the long run.
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Postby MarsdenCuckoo » Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:09 pm

Ecpersonals wrote:
"But NEVER EVER buy a drink for a girl you don't know. EVER. THIS IS THE BEST advice i can give you. She can get free drinks from ANY guy in the pub whenever she wants, don't do it. :-)"

I wrote OFFER TO BUY her a drink - that gives her the option to politely refuse the drink (not you) if she's not interested (or doesn't want one of course!) Either way it brings in another element to talk about rather than be faced with someone that she may not even have seen was heading her way.

And, of course, it gives her the choice. I agree totally, never just present a girl/lady with a drink (unless it's a bottle of champagne delivered by a waiter, of course, to her table 8))

PS: Also suggest you steer clear of any freeloaders like the ones Ecp seems to meet! :wink:
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Postby ecpersonals » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:52 am

There is no harm is "talking", but that's the problem most girls think talking=hitting on them, which it doesn't have to be. BEFRIEND the one you are not interested in but don't flirt with her or lead her on.

When two girls are out, they are ALWAYS dragging each other away from guys or physically blocking them (as with the dance floor). ONE is protecting the other, and no woman here can deny that. So befriend one and flirt with the other. Big deal. Or try your chances and flirt with both ;-)
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Postby cankertoo » Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:20 pm

Or try your chances and flirt with both

i cant even get one to flirt with and you are talking about two....! :lol:

anyway for now iam planning to take some dance classes so hopefully i will meet a lot of people. and there i will maintain eye contact, persue, persuade and finally conquer someone.
wish me good luck guys.

is there any specific place in cyprus where single people go inorder to meet other singles?
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Postby Sotos » Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:30 am

dance class is a good idea! Just be sure to choose the right dance. Do they still teach Lambada? :lol:
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Postby Svetlana » Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:02 am

Salsa Lessons = Hot Girls and a shortage of Guys...

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Postby Kikapu » Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:59 am

cankertoo wrote:anyway for now iam planning to take some dance classes so hopefully i will meet a lot of people. and there i will maintain eye contact, persue, persuade and finally conquer someone.
wish me good luck guys.

...and don't forget "dominate", which comes after "persuade" and before "conquer"........

I think dancing is a good place for you to start meeting "nice ladies". You know, it is said that, dancing by yourself or with a partner, is a form of a " sexual foreplay" right there on the dance floor. Just think of all the possibilities that will come you way. And guess what, you don't need to worry about what to say to a girl, because she will be too busy "reading your body movements" to tell her what you're thinking. I think you should leave out the Michael Jackson's "one hand on the crouch" bit. You want her to read your body and not for you to "knock her over the head with it".

Cankertoo, I will be travelling next week to the UK and USA for 5 weeks, and I don't know how often I will get to the computer, but I'm really interested in knowing how you get along with your "love life", as I think other members do also, and no, I'm not into voyeurism, so do give us updates every now and then. Who knows, within a year or so, we could be helping you pick a name for your children......."kikapu" sounds good!!!!
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:25 pm

i was just thinking (in case you smell something burning)... yoga class is another great way to meet women. they are full of mostly women....
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Postby Kartal_Aetos » Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:22 pm

Sotos wrote:dance class is a good idea! Just be sure to choose the right dance. Do they still teach Lambada? :lol:

How about ballet? i can imagine a very favourable women to men ratio in one of those classes :) lol
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