What do I start with. Do I say "Hi Iam Cankertoo 28 years old and single"
Tell them that you are Sotos, it always works for me

cankertoo wrote:Iam thinking of going out to some pub tonight.
I want some help on how to start a conversation.
Please help me with some ideas.
ecpersonals wrote:Hi cankertoo,
Like sal said, think strategy, talk to the fat short ugly girl first, OR if there is a guy in the group, always talk to him first. Smile and ALWAYS tell them you can only stay a few minutes because you have to do something (like meet your friends).
ecpersonals wrote:Kikapu: What part of what i said was a lie?
That said, i am a real Pussi anyway and get approach anxiety just like most guys
MarsdenCuckoo wrote:Just a thought..... offer to buy her a drink! You could then mention that you're new to the area and ask for help/directions re. finding a particular place you've heard of? Is it really good i.e. asking for her opinion. Above all be attentive - SUCH an aphrodisiac. Compliment her on her hair/outfit/eyes/way she talks.... whatever you find attractive and just go from there.
Above all, don't try too hard.... be yourself; the 'love of your life' will find you when you least expect it!
Enjoy life and be happy - be the type of person YOU would like to spend time with!
Have a great evening.
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