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Postby cankertoo » Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:15 pm

iam in limassol and iam 28.
the last time i asked someone out she nearly stopped talking to me. she talks to me sometimes, but not like she used to before i asked her out.
i did not hit on her or anything, i knew her, i did not use any pickup lines, i was being myself but she said she was not interested.
i try to get over it but you know it is difficult.

I really think that more you ignore a cypriot girl, more she is interested by you

if i ignore, then how would she know that iam interested?
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Postby ecpersonals » Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:25 pm

Well my tip (and it never fails me) is to never ask a girl out. Yes you can go on dates (time together doing fun things) but she doesn't know its a date :-).

Becuase, 1. she can say no, and 2. you indicated your interest before she did, (and if she is very pretty then you acted like all the other guys.) She has to be interested first.

Question: Is your shyness a personality thing or related to a physical thing? I used to be shy beause i was skinny and had acne, some people because they were over weight etc.. The solution is therefore different.

If you are 'good looking' and only shy because of lack of contact and experience for women then there are ways to get women to want you :-)
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:38 pm


OK Cankertoo, it's about time, I set you straight.

First of all Women do not care too much on Men's looks. Now I said Women and not Girls or Bimbos. At age 28, you need to be looking at Women. Women don't go for looks, they go for LOVE. Ever heard of "Phantom of the Opera" or "Beauty and the Beast" or the "Elephant Man". How often do you see a beautiful women with less than average looking guy. No, it has nothing to do with Money, Cars, House, Job, or what's in their trousers. It's has to do with WHO they are that the women has found them interesting to be with them. The only problem is, it takes a woman a long time to find you attractive for herself. They look for spontaenity, humour, wit, politeness, caring, love for people and animals, laughing at your self for silly things that you'll do from time to time, and all this takes time. You know the saying, " Rome was not built in a Day". Also don't try to be only "interesting" but also be "interested". By being "interesting" you're telling her everything about you and what you want and what you like and so on whether she likes it or not. It's better to be "interesting" and listen in what she has to say.

Secondly, dump all your male friends when you go out. When you're in a group of guys, your odds are reduced finding a nice lady for yourself. I mean look, there are 5 of you, all drinking like idiots, acting like a fools, and you all spot a nice lady, and all start salivating with all crude comments about her, and the pressure starts, as to who is going to approach her, as if she is a "landing strip" to set the plane down. You know you're shy, so guess who's not going to "land their plane" tonight.!! So where does one go to meet a nice lady. Well, forget Bars and Disco. You'll waste your time and your money. The music is too laud and can't talk and too many guys are waiting for you to be shot down by her, so that they can step in. If you want to just get laid, go to a brothel.

So where shall I go, you're asking still. The answer is, "Nowhere Special". You will meet her when you meet her, and people always do, over and over again. Just don't let opportunities pass by, when you think you have meet some one you like.

Now, about your shyness. That can be a problem and it will get in the way, because you will see yourself being "inadequate". I know Sotos try to help you with reading a book, but you can't live your life with a book in one hand and a woman on the other. For instance, I can never cook from a "Cook Book" and yet, I cook just fine. Enough to please a woman in any case.

There use to be a program in the 80's called "est", Erhard Seminar Training, by Werner Erhard, but was changed later on and now it is called "Landmark Education". It is a tough course, which takes over 2 weekends, 4 days in total, and it is not cheap, but in your case, you will benefit a great deal. Amongst many other things, you will discover who you really are and what you want. It will give you more confidence than Superman. Just take what you want from the program, and leave behind what you don't want, at the end of the program. I don't even know, if they have one where you are. They are based in San Francisco, but do have "special trainings" all over the world now and again. Go on to GOOGLE and search for EST or Werner Seminar Training or Landmark Education, and also with "WikipediA"

Good Luck.
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Postby Sotos » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:22 pm

ecpersonals wrote:Well my tip (and it never fails me) is to never ask a girl out. Yes you can go on dates (time together doing fun things) but she doesn't know its a date :-).

Good advice. You should even tell them that it is not a date. Just you are bored today and you want something to do. Go out with her a few times and show that you want her only like a friend. Then ignore her for a while. Never act like you care too much for her from the beginning.
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Postby Sotos » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:26 pm

Women don't go for looks, they go for LOVE. Ever heard of "Phantom of the Opera" or "Beauty and the Beast" or the "Elephant Man".

Kikapu, cankertoo is not interested to write a fairy tale ;)
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:27 am

taking a course is a good thing, or find someplace to volunteer. this is a good way to meet women. i heard alot of people meet in church or at church functions. i try to stay far far away from churches of any kind myself.
make alot of eye contact, and smile alot. oposites attract. perhaps an outgoing woman will start up a conversation with you.... good luck!
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:53 am

Sotos wrote:
Women don't go for looks, they go for LOVE. Ever heard of "Phantom of the Opera" or "Beauty and the Beast" or the "Elephant Man".

Kikapu, cankertoo is not interested to write a fairy tale ;)

I know Sotos, but if you don't think reality (life) imitates fiction, then you'll also fail to understand women's emotions. I'm just trying to build Cankertoo's confidence.

I know I said it takes a long time for a woman to really see who a man really is, but that is, if she only sees him now and again. If he is in her "environment" all the time, like work place, community activities and so on, it can happen very fast. All he has to do is capture her Heart, and the rest of her will follow.
To capture her Heart, all he has to do is these 4 "easy" steps. Pursue, Persuade, Dominate, and Conquer. What woman can resist that.??
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:26 pm

"DOMINATE, AND CONQUER"????? now you need to explain Kikapu....

DOMINATE AND CONQUER???? this is not the days of the cave people,
nor the dark ages....
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:00 pm

GorillaGal wrote:"DOMINATE, AND CONQUER"????? now you need to explain Kikapu....

DOMINATE AND CONQUER???? this is not the days of the cave people,
nor the dark ages....

No, No, No, I'm not talking about enslaving and controlling a woman. I know this has been a common practice for most Greeks and Turks over the years and Middle East in general. I guess you missed the dialog several weeks back on Cheating - Unfaithful on Meet New People. Go back and have a read.

In short, a man who can "dominate" a woman's mind, is basically, most of her thoughts are about him, in a positive way.

In short, a man who can "conquer" a woman, is basically, most of her life revolves around him, in a positive way.
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Postby GorillaGal » Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:29 pm

dominate and conquer? no, i still don't get that. my life should not revolve around any man. which is probably why i am still single. but at least i am happier than most. i have a life. i do love, and i think about him alot, i do not live my life for him, nor around him. and i think that is important that each of you have your own lives and your own interests. goodness, it would be so boring to spend my life with someone whom i spent every available minute with, whom we shared all the same interests.... nope, that life is not for me.
thanks for the explanation Kikapu, but i will never agree with that dominate and conquer thing. ever.
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