unique_earthling wrote:.. people will always justify what they think is ok, a combination of conditioning and and justifying a mentallity. neanderthal thinking, but those who have an advanced mentallity, who can see that the inequality of the hunt, over innocent animals is not ok, and what makes it worse is that it is not a necessity, and that food is not scarce, if it was then i can see the justification, but it is what it is a sport, and the pleasure to hunt and kill.. sorry.. but it dont wash with me nor with anyone that has evolved into a humane person with an emotional iq of at least a 100.. infact i cant even be bothered to carry on arguing with you as you have not the ability to see farther than your conditioning or have the ability to be deeper than a puddle.. you carry on with your thinking, and stay where you have chosen to be.. i cant change anyone but i dont have to be around you.. it just hurts me to think and feel your stupidy and ignorance will still be out there..
Since I've only really defended fishing, I'll add a touch more to this, as the thought is out there that there's plenty of food in grocery stores, so fishing shouldn't be necessary. The following is probably true for hunting, albeit to a lesser degree.
Commercial fishing is one of the most destructive processes on earth. Not only are fish treated cruelly, but various other unintended species are also caught and killed, like sharks, dolphins, turtles, seals and even sea birds that go in for the bait and drown in the nets. The "by-catch" is usually thrown overboard; either dead or dying.
Tuna are gaffed onto boats (stuck with poles that have large hooks on the ends and pulled into the boat via the hooks). They are killed via the "iki jima" method - a corer is pushed into their brains and a wire is pushed into the hole and down their spinal column. There are no regulations mandating the killing of fish in humane ways, as is the case with livestock, which are generally stunned prior to the slaughter process.
There are a number of ways to fight the above. Fish farming is one, not eating fish is another. Personally, I like to eat fish. Killing anything inevitably involves pain. I don't like the idea of being responsible for the above, so I catch my own. But anyone that thinks getting fish, at least, from a grocery store is more humane that killing their own fish is mistaken. I guarantee you that I'm not indiscriminately killing anything that gets in my way, and I'm not using cruel methods to kill the fish I do take.
For those that like fish, my way is quite valid, from anti-cruelty, environmental and conservationist standpoints.
(Note: The "fishing hurts" page is just secondary backup of practices in commercial fishing. PETA is an extremist organization and not an unbiased source of info on anything regarding animals, and is not portrayed as such by myself.)