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Hunting accident

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Postby cyprusgrump » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:05 pm

reportfromcyprus wrote:Accepting risk - fair enough, cyprusgrump, but since the boy was 14, I don't think he has the life experience to judge whether he accepts the risk or not.

He does now! :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:34 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:Any sport that involves some element of danger (hunting, skydiving, motor racing etc.) carries the risk – acknowledged by all participants – that something can go wrong. It would be impossible to completely eradicate every risk.

What part of hunting do find to be a "Sport". I thought sport meant to be competitive, when the opposing person or element can challenge you, and I don't mean, to see whether a rabbit can ran faster than a bullet, or a bird can fly faster than a bullet. Just like those idiots that go "Fox Hunting". Where's the sport in that.? In Bull fighting, the bull should be allowed to gore the Matador, if he trips and falls, instead of others coming to his aid. That would be "Sport", because, then the Bull can go home with the "Matador Head". Fishing is another "Sport" that really isn't. I caught fish while sailing, well, actually, the fish would get themselves caught on the hook, without my help, because I just had a line trawling behind the boat. If I held the fishing rod in my hand, will it then become a "Sport". No it will not. I think people that do hunting and call it "Sports" are pretty much useless in "real sports", so they try to make up to their "short comings".
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Postby VEX8 » Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:49 pm

The saddest part of the whole affair, however, was never reported in the press.

After shooting his 14 year old son in the arm his father then tied him to the bonnet of his twin cab, loaded the dogs into the back and drove to his home village where he entertained his hunting buddies in their favourite taverna with exagerated tales of how he 'cunningly stalked the beast' and 'what a fight he put up'.
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Postby raymanuva » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:50 pm

VEX8, nice one...

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Postby dinos » Fri Oct 06, 2006 8:54 pm

Kikapu wrote:Fishing is another "Sport" that really isn't.'ve never gone fishing with me. Never mind the boat stuff. I catch / snag my own bait, and run all over hell and creation following fish around. I make fishing a contact sport, but I do all right with it...
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:31 pm

dinos wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Fishing is another "Sport" that really isn't.'ve never gone fishing with me. Never mind the boat stuff. I catch / snag my own bait, and run all over hell and creation following fish around. I make fishing a contact sport, but I do all right with it...


Fish for the fish, catch the fish, fry the fish, and eat the fish. Did I miss something, so where is the "sports" aspect of it.

Now, if the fish had it's own "Human rod" and tries to fish you same time, that would be Sport.
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Postby dinos » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:55 am

Kikapu wrote:Dinos,

Fish for the fish, catch the fish, fry the fish, and eat the fish. Did I miss something, so where is the "sports" aspect of it.

Now, if the fish had it's own "Human rod" and tries to fish you same time, that would be Sport.

Kikapu, the sport is in fighting the surf to catch a 12-pound bluefish. Around here, we consistently get 3-6 foot waves in the ocean. Not a big deal in and of itself, but can get tricky when you're hip-deep and have a bluefish at the other end of the line. You probably also know that bluefish are quite capable of biting through the leaders used to keep the line away from the hook. So you have to use strength to fight the current and waves, yet have enough finesse to not let the fish cut itself off the line.

I consider sport any type of activity that requires above-average physical exertion. If we're talking fishing off a pier or off a boat, then you're absolutely correct.
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Postby dinos » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:10 am

unique_earthling wrote:kikapu you are my hero, thank you.. people will always justify what they think is ok, a combination of conditioning and and justifying a mentallity. neanderthal thinking, but those who have an advanced mentallity, who can see that the inequality of the hunt, over innocent animals is not ok, and what makes it worse is that it is not a necessity, and that food is not scarce, if it was then i can see the justification, but it is what it is a sport, and the pleasure to hunt and kill.. sorry.. but it dont wash with me nor with anyone that has evolved into a humane person with an emotional iq of at least a 100.. infact i cant even be bothered to carry on arguing with you as you have not the ability to see farther than your conditioning or have the ability to be deeper than a puddle.. you carry on with your thinking, and stay where you have chosen to be.. i cant change anyone but i dont have to be around you.. it just hurts me to think and feel your stupidy and ignorance will still be out there..

Wow. I've been in scuffles in on-line fora before and probably will again. But I've never been called stupid, neanderthal, ignorant, etc over a fish. UE, your post has truly left me shaking in my thong:

Certainly, such a juvenile personal attack shouldn't be necessary for an enlightened person? So let's back-track a bit. You have one opinion on the matter; I have another. I have not disrespected your viewpoint, and you do not know me well enough to level such accusations. Maybe you had a bad day. So I'm extending an olive branch here. We let this one go, and going forward, we pledge to not disrespect each other. And in cases where we disagree, we do so strictly on the issue - no personal attacks.

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Postby ExNicosia » Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:12 am

Bad news to hear about the kid getting hit by a loaded shotgun. Reminds of the time on the farm up in Oregon a neighbor was out with a shotgun and as he was trying to go through a barb wire fence, the gun went off and shot his wife in the face. It was 60 years ago and they still married. Woman looks awful.

Me, I would hunt only for food not sport, Deer and wild pig, some fowl. Also predators. Lions, coyotes and wolves are getting to be a problem here out west and people are finding mountain lions (size of a big dog) in their yards and front porches. Growth of people upon their habitat and some restrictions on shooting them recently are the problems. Sheriff Deputies up in the north mtns of Calif. say if they bother you too much, shoot them and bury them quick before word gets out you killed them. I use to just flick the rattlesnakes with a long stick off my path but they are now getting to be too many and I just go ahead and kill them. Lions and bears can be run off if you put your hands up in the air and yell at them and do a dance. This good advice for bears because if you don't get them at the right spot with the first shot, they are on you and you are finished.
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Postby reportfromcyprus » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:19 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
reportfromcyprus wrote:Accepting risk - fair enough, cyprusgrump, but since the boy was 14, I don't think he has the life experience to judge whether he accepts the risk or not.

He does now! :lol:

This whole rite of passage thing should be re-thought. If it makes the Cypriot teenager more of a man to be recklessly exposed to dangerous weapons badly handled by their own parent, then something is being done wrong.

I know your remark was meant to be funny, and it is, in a dark way, but you didn't address my point. He's underage - his father is responsible for his safety - he shot him. How is it legal that these kids can go hunting in the first place without a license?
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