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Moving to Cyprus

Postby jimmyg » Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:12 am

does any one live in the north as i a in the process of buying a flat there in Feb. I am looking for info on buying good furniture at a reasonable price as i intend to rent the flat for a few years till i retire out there to live. Any info would be gratefully received. We are moving to just north of kyrenia Just outside the village of Titlus near the marina.

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Postby Piratis » Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:26 am

Jimmy, most properties sold in the occupied areas belong to Greek Cypriots and are illegally sold. (which is why they are cheap)

Before you buy anything make sure that you are shown official pre-1974 title deeds that show that the real owner is a Turkish Cypriot and not a Greek Cypriot.

I hope that you know what I am talking about, otherwise research it really good before you make such a move.
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Postby jimmyg » Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:09 am

Hi Piratis, i am actually buying from a developer who has built several complexes and the one i am buying into is in titlus just north of kyrenia. The devolpers have or are building 4 complexes and the flat that i am buying is in the marina area near titlus.It is being sold by a company called seaterra if you have heard of them. :?
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Postby Piratis » Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:26 am

It is being sold by a company called seaterra if you have heard of them

I see their ads all over the internet. They gain a lot from illegally selling stolen Greek Cypriot properties so they can advertise a lot.

This is what they say in their own website:

Is it safe to buy in Northern Cyprus?

It is safe to buy in North Cyprus provided the right title deed applies to the property. There are three types of freehold title in North Cyprus.

Pre 1974 Turkish Title. This is OK, but very hard to find now. TRNC Esdeger (Exchange) Title. This means that the Turkish Cypriot owner has been given this land in exchange for the equivalent piece of land they owned in the South. This type of land is increasingly hard to find, especially close to the sea. TRNC TMDTitle . This is where no exchange has taken place, and therefore there may be some compensation payable as part of some future political settlement to theCyprus issue. Most developments are being built on TMD land. As a company we prefer to buy in most cases Exchange land, despite it being more expensive.

There was never any "exchange" of land. The only land you can legally buy in the occupied part of Cyprus is land owned by a Turkish Cypriot with a pre 1974 title deed. If you "buy" stolen Greek Cypriot land you would be committing a criminal offense.

Not only that, but you will not own what you paid for since the one who sold it to you didn't own it either. The so called "trnc" is an invalid entity recognized only by Turkey, and the deeds they issue do not worth anything either.

Therefore if you really have to go to northern Cyprus, pay more money and buy a property with pre 1974 title deeds. This way you are not committing an offense, and you are not exploiting the pain of the Greek Cypriot refugee that was forced to abandon that place by the Turkish invasion.

If you have any conscience you will do the right thing and would not accept something stolen, even if it is cheaper.
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Postby rawk » Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:28 am

Hi Jimmyg

Welcome to Cyprus.

I rather think you have joined the wrong Bulliten Board if you have committed to buying in the North and with Seaterra. Piratis is correct about the dangers of buying property on "Exchange" land, but it looks as though you have burnt your boats there.

Many buyers in the North are hoping that a political settlement will eventually be forthcoming and a compensation package will be worked out for the Greek Cypriot owners of "Exchange" land, you may well have to budget for that in the future.

Having said that, you may find other contributors on this BB not as reserved about your situation as Piratus, feelings run quite deep about the land issue in the south or Republic of Cyprus.


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Postby dinos » Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:59 pm

rawk wrote:Having said that, you may find other contributors on this BB not as reserved about your situation as Piratus, feelings run quite deep about the land issue in the south or Republic of Cyprus.

I find the initial post on this thread to be in extremely poor taste. Regardless of legal issues in play, it's wrong to throw that in the faces of people directly affected by the occupation.
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Postby orokliniservices » Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:35 pm

even if you buy from a developer, you may be buying a house on stolen land.. do your research before buying..
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Postby rawk » Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:04 pm


To be fair to Jimmyg, I do not think he was aware of the situation. There seems to be a bit of niaivity about the situation in Cyprus on his part.

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Postby unique_earthling » Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:43 pm

you are such a bunch of assuming and elitist so and so's for goodness sake this is a cyprus forum not just a GC forum, you really get on my nerves, who the hell do you think you are??? you jump down anyones throat if any mention of the north arises, get over wonder all thats left on here is a few and i mention a few GC's who will wrankle around the cy prop and moan about the cy prob and continue to alienate all thats not into the cy prob, and even those that know about the cy prob will have it rammed down their throats.. is this all that you are... 'the cy prob' no wonder people switch off... after over 30 years of the cy prob have non of you any thing else to contribute, there is as much warmth to people on here that is not of your ilk as a freezer, you are so saturated with your victim mentallity you can accept no one who isnt.. funny but i just sit back and watch you get rid of every one.. they will go and then it will only be you, you are alienating the rest of the world but you are all too stupid to see it.. but hey thats ok you carry on.. and when your truly left alone and every one is so tired of listening to it.. what will you say and who will you blame? bet its not yourselves.. you have no clue to the meaning of live and let live.. every one has a right to their own choices even if it doesnt agree with you.. tough, no one said life was going to be fair.. and that includes me and every one else.
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Postby dinos » Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:47 pm


I see your point. But people were nepalmed around Kyrenia/Pentadachtyla. Just food for thought...

Hope you're well,
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