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Postby Piratis » Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:31 pm

unique_earthling wrote:some times sotos you have to remember that not all people care, nor do they care about how you feel, it is a truth of life, in many walks of life, whether its a fact of law, or your ethics.. i have found many people here dont care about me, unfortunately thats life.. no one said people should care, i accept that and put up and shut up.. this is what no one seems to grasp.. why should they care.. why should anyone care? tell me.. if it doesnt affect their life or touch them emotionally, why do you think they should care.. i love animals, and no one seems to care.. i accept not many people care.. i cant make them care.. its personal to me so i accept that.. do you care what happens to the red indians or the africans or to other groups across the world? no of course you dont, so stop believing any one outside can relate to your problems.. they dont and wont.. who care here about me.. no one.. they cheat me and lie to me.. i have to accept that.. because i dont expect them to care.. think about it..

Nobody asked from you to care. What we demand from others is just not to act illegally and commit crimes against us. If you harm us and violate the laws then you should be ready to face the consequences of your illegal actions.

So, don't care if you don't want to. No problem. But if you violate the laws and commit a criminal offense then there is a big problem either you want to care or not.
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Postby jimmyg » Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:51 pm

rawk manythanks for your info much appreciated will check it out :D
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:04 am

jimmyg wrote:unique_earthling and rawk i thank you for your kind words and looks like i have stirred a hornets nest :oops:

JimmyG, like Piratis said there are some dangers in buying in the north but I am sure that you have done your research and decided that is for you. You asked a question that a lot of us cannot answer as we dont know much of what kind of stores are in the north. Rawk was also being very insightful with his warning. I regret that some people dont like the fact that you were not "warned" so much but made aware of the issues that might arise. All I have to say is someone might need to consider taking a chill pill.
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Postby fluffs » Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:38 am

how do you get a drivers license in cyprus?
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Postby andri_cy » Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:01 am

you go to the license branch and u ask for an application and they tell you when to show up and take the test.
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Postby Mickleham » Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:40 pm

fluffs wrote:how do you get a drivers license in cyprus?

Simply contact a Driving school company. Thye will guide you easily towards obtaining a drivers licence..
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Postby twinkle » Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:43 pm

you have to have an ID card first before applying for a provisional licence. that can take ages. then you apply for your provisional once you've done the theory test you take the practical. if you have a licence already and just merely wish to swap it for a cypriot one, you just hand the cypriot one over and they issue it there and then. you still need an ID card first though.
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