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Civil war in the UK

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Miltiades and Rawk

Postby ukofamnesia » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:35 pm

Miltiades- Read my post (or have it read to you) again.
You ll see i was nt advocating it, merely saying people might regard it as preferable to being preyed-on by feral gangs. That may be why its popular in Somalia right now and why the Taliban had lots of support, initially.

For what its worth,I dont have much of a problem with beheading murderers or chopping off thieves hands but i quite enjoy a bit of 'adultery' now and then. As for giving up bacon sarnies -over my dead body!

As for me reading newspapers, well i prefer the free on-line editions these days. Not one mainstream publication in the UK DARED to print the Islamic cartoons recently . They said it was because they did nt want to offend muslims. It was then that i realised the 'quality' papers were liars the same as the tabloids, so i now avoid buying them where i can.

RAWK- No, Maggie Thatcher may have talked about not wanting to be 'swamped' etc but you ll find the libertarian Tory right , the CBI etc. are all for more immigration. BNP policies? I doubt you could tell me what their policies really are.
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Postby ukofamnesia » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:40 pm

RAWK- Whats 'a right wing issue' anyway?
What makes something either right or left in your view?
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Postby PaulUK » Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:40 pm

We are reaching saturation point in the uk,and our puppet goverments be them left or right(i dont see alot of difference these days) have set us upon an irrevocable pathway!

Someone mentioned newspapers? thats most of the problem you see thousands of people really believe what they read and see on tv lol they just dont know they are spoon fed from birth!!!
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Postby rawk » Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:11 pm


I seriously think you ought to relocate here asap!

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Postby PaulUK » Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:46 pm

lol here being? i guess your in Cyprus?
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Postby PaulUK » Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:16 pm

'UN's Double Standards'
Updated: 20:31, Saturday October 14, 2006

North Korea's UN ambassador has said any further US pressure on Pyongyang will be a "declaration of war".

Pak Gil Yon accused the Security Council - which imposed harsh financial and arms sanctions on North Korea to punish Pyongyang for its underground nuclear test on Monday - of "double standards."

"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea expresses its disappointment that the security council finds itself incapable of saying even a word of concern to the United States," he said.

He said the United States "threatens the DPRK with nuclear preemptive attack and aggravates tensions by reinforcing armed forces and conducting larger scale joint military exercises nearby the Korean Peninsula".

"The Democratic People's Republic of Korean totally rejects the unjustifiable resolution 1718, 2006, adopted by the Security Council just now," he said.

The US-drafted resolution allows nations to stop cargo going to and from North Korea to check for weapons of mass destruction or related supplies.

In a concession to China, the resolution specifically excludes the use of force, but allows economic sanctions and naval and air transport restrictions.

Kenzo Oshima, Japan's UN ambassador, said he was surprised by North Korea's reaction, but that it was not "totally unexpecte
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Postby Dadalushe » Wed Oct 18, 2006 1:18 pm

rawk wrote:I'd rather sound like Tony Blair than Maggie Thatcher!


Unfortunately I can't tell the difference between Tory Bliar and Maggie!
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:08 pm

Dadalushe wrote:
rawk wrote:I'd rather sound like Tony Blair than Maggie Thatcher!


Unfortunately I can't tell the difference between Tory Bliar and Maggie!

How could you. They both took a "pee" standing up, facing the wall, in the men's toilet. !!...

(Splitting Image) !!
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Civil war in the uK

Postby sueandsandy » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:53 pm

Have you lot got no jobs to go to?
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Re: Civil war in the uK

Postby Bill » Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:45 pm

sueandsandy wrote:Have you lot got no jobs to go to?

Probably not after the influx of Eastern European labour :shock: :roll: :roll:
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